Love Month | Day in the life RCD
the love of our savior |
Hello RCD readers,
A month has past and today is the last day for the February.
Before I give a summary recap with what I've learned. Let's talk about how the month ended.
"The love of our savior"
This is a lesson I learned this month through others. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. This month was a real salvation of our own doubt. I'm well aware we are in hard times and others have mentally and physically given up. Because a lot of evil is around us that is hard to see the good. But He gave us hope.
He guided us to his lesson and gave us this on the right moment in our life through the right people so that we can hear his message. The message is " We are loved. We are protected. We our still His children.We are not alone and not forgotten."
I have two examples from loved ones.
1) The finances are really hard and being able to stay a float with building a home is really taken some hits. But on the right time stress relief comes. On the right time God makes sure they get enough to get by.
2) Faith was almost entirely gone. But God brought him back to his home. God saved him again. God brought him back to the church. God showed him he is loved and protected. God is guiding him to his blessings.
This month God really showed me his love. He protected me again from people who wanted to take advantage. He protected me from everyone who wanted to do wrong towards me. And just because I believe in him and I try my best to be honest Christian in my work. I'm being rewarded for my honest work.
I have used this word so many times. Because it really summons up a entrepreneurs journey. You have to be persistent even when things go stagnant. You have to stay proactive without seeing direct changes. You have to be positive and constantly calm even when you want scream out of frustration. You have to be willing to learn new things (like quick books) even when you are slow with finances sometimes. You have to be constantly flexible with changes around you if you want to be successful.
This month consisted of:
- constant going to building department for changes.
- finish the budget for project Fred
- follow up for potential project
Blog website
The writing process for my blog content is going really smoothly. And happy that I've found people that love reading blog.Here for I use blog Facebook groups and my own Facebook groups for promoting. This is helping my views a lot. A lot of people are commenting more and that is great.
YouTube Channel
And I'm thinking of really trying to figure out which Facebook group would be perfect for my YouTube Content. I'm really thinking of using Tik Tok as a way to share my YouTube Content. We'll see how this will be received. I had an amazing idea to write my first content for YouTube as a celebration/ recap/milestone clip.
Date: March 10th 2022
Time: 09.00 AM
Join premiere by setting a reminder !!
What to expect this month?
- I really pray that we finish the website so that I can use this as what it's attended to be "Virtual Design Studio". A soft launch for new website (collab with Vlinder Survey); if you would love to be a part of this mail at "SOFT LAUNCH PARTICIPATION"
- full name
- email address
- mobile number
- hint when you've been reading our blog or watching our content.
- My blog content will continue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So keep reading and subscribe to my blog.
- Re-use YouTube content for Tik Tok. Trial and error. We'll see how this will be received.
- Our RCD Articles groups will give start up companies, bloggers and You Tubers the chance to promote their YouTube content, Tik Tok content, blog content or promote their page on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday on our Facebook groups.
- Post every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month a new YouTube clip
- Day in the life
- Hopefully make Day in the life YouTube Clip
- RCD article
- Some content that I've been thinking about.
- interior design senior housing
- downsizing homes for retired folks
- Projects:
- Back In Time clip
- Project update clip
- Updates about hopefully potential new projects or saying goodbye to older projects.
Week 1
Wednesday, February 2 2022
In this blog post I discussed Chinese food, traditions, festivities and the stereotype that I've consistently grew up with. I chose this because Chinese New year celebration
Friday, February 4 2022
This blog post I've decided to re-use article content from my YouTube channel and write it for readers that would love to watch read my articles. This is a four-part article of Home Kitchens. Our kitchen themed article was chosen because of our ongoing project. I’ve decided to talk about what I’ve learned from this project. This part I’ll discuss how to work with the kitchen space that you have.
- Part One | How do I work with the space?
- Part Two | What should I buy?
- Part Three | Where do I buy?
Week 2
Monday, February 7 2022
I give a simple update of what readers can expect from my work by discussing the week before and the month that was coming. And how February 2nd was a real full circle moment. My first job on the same day to my first building permit process years after that to my my current building permit headache hahah. And how you should deal with corruption and unfairness.
Wednesday, February 9 2022
I talk about my love for my profession being a freelance architectural designer, being a classic ballet teacher for young kids, being a You Tuber with the purpose of making educational video's and being a blogger sharing my day in the life and project & work updates.
- Where did my love for this work began?
- Why did I choose it?
- Why did I stick with it?
- Does it fulfills me?
- What about my work field do I love?
Friday, February 11 2022
This is a two-part article of Designing an at home prayer area. Because of a special request from a client this article came to light. It’s from an Architect’s point of view which include interior and exterior designing. RC Designs choose to talk about designing prayer areas for five different religions that prevail in Suriname. This article will be for the religion Christianity because that's the article in which I got views for these two months. In my point of view these are the twelve steps to designing a prayer area. If you have any more adding tips about this subject feel free to comment below with tips.
The twelve steps to designing your own prayer area
- Find a perfect space
- Keep it clean
- Let’s clarify the use
- It’s all about the sound
- Smell the serenity
- No distractions!
- Keep it comfortable
- Make it visual
- Let there be light
- Breath in the calming fresh air
- Color scheme
- Make it personal
Week 3
Monday, February 14 2022
This quote is a perfect statement for the week 2. It was a week of definitely less work. I have two ongoing projects. Project Fred and Project LB. Both are freelance work and are the biggest project's I've gotten from last year August.
Now what you do when the calmness hits?
- work on different endeavors; my website , my blog content, my content calendar and my finance's from January
- take care of yourself
- have fun with your time off.
The calmness before the storm| Day in the life RCD
Tuesday, February 16 2022
Because the building department is changing I wanted to discuss the profession architect. I begin with the definition of this profession and go further to discuss when somebody is an licensed architect by law in Suriname.(with their by law requirements for practicing the profession of Architect).
- What can you do with a BSc Degree infrastructure now?
- Explanation for architect/architectural draftsman/architectural designer
- Why do I call myself that?
- Now what does a freelance architectural designer actually do?
- How can you become a freelance architectural designer?
- And what kind of tips can I give you moving forward towards this specialty?
Architect or No Architect | Day in the life RCD
Week 4
Monday, February 21 2022
This blog post I talk about my Valentine's day celebration and my normal project work flow update from week 3. And I talk about my new YouTube clip that will be posted on March 10th.
Love in the air or just another week | Day in the life RCD
Wednesday, February 23 2022
This blog post I talk about following up and the importance of it. How it works and if it's helpful.
- What does follow up mean?
- Why should I follow up?
- How can I follow up?
- When should I let go?
The importance of following up |Day in the life RCD
Friday, February 25 2022
This was a national day but not a free day. But I have to used this day as inspiration for a throwback article. This article is named “SURINAMESE HISTORICAL TOWN". The theme was inspiration from "open day monuments".
RC Designs’ discussing points are:
• Surinamese historical town
• Rules, requirements & prohibition of Surinamese historical town
1. Definition of a monument
2. Surinamese historic town
3. The general characteristics
Thank you for your support everyone.
Keep reading!! Don't forget to share and comment.
See you next blog post for new content!!
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