Love in the air or just another week | Day in the life RCD

 Hello RCD readers,

Last week was Valentine's Day and that's how the week began. 

Monday | Valentine is not a free day people!!
The week began as a normal day. I haven't felt more like an adult like this Valentine Day. The building department called me to change a name. This was frustrating me. But it wasn’t going to ruin my day.
Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

 I worked on first YouTube clip for this year. I first came up with different kind of ways of making the video.
  • Make a 5-part clip about five different themes of articles.
    • Architecture| religion | cultural
    • Interior design
    • Full design process
    • Startup company
    • Climate changes
  • Talk about each year ;
    • Most viewed
    • My favorite
    • Memorable
And finally, Thursday February 17th I came up with the five memorable moments.
Photo by Monstera from Pexels

Will you be my valentine?
We planned our valentine together.  We shopped together. We had a pre-, a during and an after-valentine date. But life doesn’t always go as planned. We just got a couple of special hours together. This is the first year that I didn’t post my Valentine date on my personal page. Every year we’ve celebrated this day with cooking day. This year my sweetheart made the meat and vegetable. And I did the fries and bought some delicious cookies. I love cooking together. It feels like we are one. I think I've asked him over excitedly almost since half of January what are we going to cook.
A look back | Love means thinking of others
Time is sometimes showing you love somebody. The week before I was spoiled by my sister, and I don't have any evidence haha. My partner and I helped my sister make beautiful pictures with my niece. But the date itself. I didn't feel pretty.  So, I didn't dress nice. I didn't do my hair. I didn't make pictures, and nobody asked me to make with them. And I was so happy to be with my partner who looked like he had a good time.  I hope he did. 
My valentine present for my loved ones was babysitting. Babysitting so my brother and his wife can go on a date. But this on the flip side. I took care of four kids under 6. Because my sister surprised us by staying.

What does love look like for me?
  • I sacrifice my work hours, so a little girl doesn't feel ignored during the days.
  • I take more responsibility because my siblings can't when they are working, and my mother needs a lot of care.
  • I miss my boyfriend a lot, but I put my needs and feelings always on second burner so that he can help his family and friends when needed.
  • I choose to be stronger and keep my feelings to myself so that my loved one can feel safe, at ease, happy and loved.
  • I put myself second always for the people I love. Not saying it's right but it's nature for most females to put their loved ones on the first place.
Tuesday | Just a normal week
After an amazing Valentine. I had an epiphany. I came up with the perfect way to celebrate my 1st YouTube clip.

Wednesday | Building permit update:
I went to the building department to correct the name. For three projects, so I checked another freelance project directly. A lot is changed in the building department. So, getting my employers to understand the new changes is a second career.

1)Project Fred
This is in construction department and field phase of getting the building permit. The freelance employer wants to be smart and get the budget excel sheet. Not sure how that is possible. I asked fellow female architectural designers, and everyone said no. So, I have to figure out how this collaboration will go in the future.
2)Project BW
The supervisor from the building department called me to change a name. Because that is protocol. I don’t really understand because that could’ve been done by the department self. But we’ll see and hope for the best.

3)Project JL
The supervisor wasn’t at work, but I was able to correct the name. The building permit is closer than all the other project in the building department.
4)Project S
This project is in the site visit phase in which not sure why actually because I should get the building permit now.  But I contacted my freelance employer, so that he knows that they are going to the site itself.
5) New potential project
One of my freelance employer’s called me for a swimming pool project. This is out of my comfort zone, but I felt really hyped and scared to take this on. But my civil engineer really pumped me up that he would help. The contractor company which I would sometimes as a freelance had an idea to ask for my civil engineer’s number. Now I have to say I was hesitant, and the civil engineer agreed with yes, I was allowed to give out his number. But later I thought. If I loose the project I would not be scared not disappointed because he is a great colleague and I know what is meant for me will be mine.

Today I'm going to follow up. You can check our next post about why following up is important.

I ended this week with love in my heart and energized for new beginning coming March for me and my partner. So Stay tuned.


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