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We've reconstruct a YouTube article for our readers. Make sure to comment below if this was a informative read and if you'll like more of this kind of content each Friday.

This article is a “climate changes in Suriname” themed article.  This theme was chosen because of the current flooding and extreme rainfall in Suriname. 

This article is a three-part article about flooding around the world.

How to protect against flood damage? 
(flood resistant house part 1) 


We protect against flood damage by preventing it in three different stages from your house:
1. Site 
2. Structure
3. House design 

- Site 

1) Flood proof site
2) Grade the lawn from the house
  • If the lawn tilts toward the house, rainwater will pool around the home. Conversely, tilting it outward directs rainwater away.
  • To this end, the lawn should use a heavy soil that contains clay content and sand, allowing the surface runoff to empty into a more appropriate place such as a street gutter
3) Construct permanent barriers

source: https://youtu.be/lCkKn4ZT5H8

4) Install sewer backflow valves
  • backflow valve is designed to temporarily block a sewer drain to prevent sewage from backing up into the home. 
  • Backflow valves are available in a variety of designs that range from simple to complex.
source: https://youtu.be/lCkKn4ZT5H8

 - Structure

1) Flood proof structure
2) Add waterproof veneer to exterior walls
The veneer can consist of a layer of brick backed up by a waterproof membrane. 
Any wood blocking added inside the wall cavity should be made of exterior-grade lumber.
3) Apply coatings for exterior walls*
4) Install found vents and sump pump

source: https://youtu.be/lCkKn4ZT5H8

 - House design

1) Elevate above flood level *
2) Build with flood resistant material*
3) Raise or Flood proof HVAC Equipment and Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical System Components
  • heating, 
  • ventilating, 
  • air conditioning, 
  • plumbing appliances, 
  • plumbing fixtures, 
  • duct systems, 
  • and electrical equipment including 
    • service panels, 
    • meters, 
    • switches, 
    • and outlets. 
They may be designed to prevent damage from flooding, whether through waterproof enclosures, barriers, protective coatings, or other techniques to protect vulnerable components. 

4) Anchor fuel tanks
  • One way to anchor a tank is to attach it to a large concrete slab heavy enough to resist the force of floodwaters. 
  • An outside tank can also be anchored by running straps over it and attaching them to ground anchors.
5) Flood proof doors & windows

 How to prevent flooding?
 (flood resistant house part 2) 


We can prevent flooding with these options:
1. Flood plain options
2. Flood proofing site
3. Flood proofing structure
4. Flood proofing windows and doors

- Flood plain options


- Flood proofing site
1) Elevation site
  • The structure should be build above the flood level to minimize damage if a flood does occur.
  • One common way of elevating is by building the structure on columns or stilts. 
  • In other cases, the solid foundation can simply be raised higher. 
2) Flood site barrier

3) Flood walls

4) Flood Alarms
  • A flood alarm is a detector which provides early flood warning information if there is a possibility of flooding.
  • This allows people to prepare for the situation and prevent it as much as they can.
5) Flood gates

6) Sandbag protection

- Flood proofing structure

1) Elevation of the structure
2) Dry flood proofing
  • Sealing your structure to prevent floodwaters from entering.
  • The installation of watertight shields for windows and doors; 
  • use of sealants and membranes to reduce seepage of floodwaters through walls;
  • reinforcement of walls to withstand
real picture of using dry flood proofing

3) Wet flood proofing
  • Making uninhabited portions of your structure resistant to flood damage by allowing water to enter during flooding 
  • Effective wet flood proofing entails that the floodwaters enter and exit the home; 
  • The use of flood vents, flood damage resistant building materials, and protecting service equipment by locating them above the anticipated flood elevation are all methods of wet flood proofing. 

4) Floodwalls

using flood barriers, flood walls and levee

- Flood proofing windows and doors

1) Windows

  source: https://youtu.be/cLwpqB6cZA4

2) Doors

Secure Flood doors
  • These doors look and work like traditional hinged doors, yet they keep floodwater out 24/7 with no added effort on your behalf. 
  • Some have special locking mechanisms. 
  • They are a great option since you do not have to check the seal every time it rains. 
  • Do not settle for a commercial stainless-steel door.
Floor barrier sliding doors
  • These take up less space than a secure flood door and are equally effective at flood prevention. 
  • They open from the side of the door. 
  • Most of the time, they are made in custom sizes and finishes to reflect your home's exterior aesthetic.
  • Flood barrier sliding doors are also fire rated.
Flood shields
  • An alternative to doors is flood shields. 
  • They are removable flood barriers designed to stop water from coming under the door. 
  • They are great for residential applications. 
  • Two types of flood shields are available
Dry flood gates
  • This option can be installed and taken down repeatedly. 
  • They are typically made of metal, create a quick, reliable seal, and are easy to install for homeowners. 
  • They slide, lift, or bolt onto your doorway 
Residential door flood barriers
  • These are for one-time use.
  • The most common versions are water inflatable flood barriers for doors and you are probably familiar with sandbags. 
  • These barriers are portable and usually more affordable than flood gates and doors. 
  • You must properly place them to provide adequate protection when floodwaters rise.

- Examples of Flood houses (flood resistant house part 3)


Studio Peek Ancona Flood-Proof House
Studio Peek Ancona
Location: Stinson Beach, California

Blooming Bamboo Home
Doan Thanh Ha
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam

Float House
Location: New Orleans

Dutch Floating Homes
Dura Vermeer
Location: Maasbommel, The Netherlands

Site-Specific Floating Home
Site-Specific Co. Ltd 
Location: Ban Sang District, Thailand

Amphibious House
Baca Homes
Location: London, England

The Kentish Classic, London

The LIFT House, Dhaka

The Float House, New Orleans

Farnsworth House, Illinois 

NRC Pavillion, Ontario 

Casa Anfibia, Nicaragua

If you kept till the end. Thanks for reading. Comment with any questions below!!


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