Goodbye March, Hello April | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

March has come to an end. I've had a busy month with work, blogging, making YouTube clips and spending time with my loved ones that I'm tired.

I started this month with real good preparation for my content and I kept the momentum by making sure that I've prepared the 1st article for April and busy with the second article.  

Before I talk about next month let's say goodbye to March with a recap.

Goodbye March
Week 1 

The art of communication
The most informative blog post for week 1.This blog post was about a training that my boyfriend held two times. In March and second was in April 2nd. I wanted to talk about why I found this training important.  He talked about how people communicate and why it was important.  I'm so proud of him. I wished people would see what I see that God blessed talent glow.

Female Architect's around the world
Most viewed post for the week. This was a throwback article post. As thought my views were low as usual. The viewing of this article was also low when I made it. But it was important for me.
The first week of March I did week long "work week filming". This video was received well.
Week 2

Sisterhood/ Female empowerment

I gave a shout out to women from three different fields;female dancers and teachers , female interior designer or architectural designers and last Facebook groups for females.

My first YouTube Clip was premiered about Five memorable YouTube Clips for RCD Five year YouTube Anniversary

Week 3

The power of female representation
I talk about my sister, mother and grandmother. The women that mold me into the person that I am today. And how my actions can influence my students, my nieces and nephews. This was the most viewed article for the month

Why is market research important?

I talk about services that M3 consultancy gives. I used their survey services for my content upgrade and correcting my clients experiences for my services.

Week 4


Life just happens my phone died on me and I had to think up how to get back to work without a beat

I also talk about a workday which a reader replied I have so much freedom. I must've written my blog wrong hahaha. 

Week 5

Just to personal (correction ; too)
I give a hint of two personal subject that I almost wrote about but rewrite and explain why I think oversharing is a bad idea. Also why we should take back the social media intake in life.

I recorded my 3rd clip for 2022.This will be posted on April 13th. This is about downsizing for middle class elders in Suriname. 
This week I also was busy with my first interior project/pro bono for April. This is interior designing a girl kids room for my Goddaughter. I would love to use the footage for my 4th YouTube clip but we'll see.

Hello April

April is the perfect month to reboot but give exciting content on our YouTube Channel. My blog website will have no blog days because of Easter vacations. So stay tuned.
Wednesday, 6 April  
  • Downsizing but why?
Friday, 8 April 
  • How to redesign Senior home?
Monday, 11 April  
  • How to downsize current home?
Wednesday, 13 April
  • De-clutter kids room / Pro-bono Update
Friday, 15 April & Monday, 18 April
  • No blogging
Wednesday, 20 April 
  • Site visit kids room / Pro-bono Update
Friday, 22 April
  • Design process for kids room/ Pro-bono Update
Monday, 25 April
  • DIY kids room/Pro-bono Update
Wednesday, 26 April
  • Easter Vacation
Friday, 29 April 
  • Goodbye April, Hello May


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