Just to personal| Day in the life RCD
Hello RCD readers,
Today I would love to talk about social media presence. What is enough sharing ? What is oversharing? What is just being cold and non social?
Keep writing until it's not oversharing
I think I wrote this blog post so many times and I had to rewrite every single time. That little voice that guides me yelled "hell no too much information. This is a personal blog and not a ranting newsletter of what goes wrong in your life, who did you wrong or who pissed you off."
- A couple of weeks ago I saw a Facebook picture that brought me back to me having a terrible medical experience during a unhealthy friendship in which I was fucked over and became the bad guy while loosing my "so called mutual friends".
- See I almost started with writing about somebody who was rude to me for the billionth time and had the audacity to not say I'm sorry but to lie and manipulate the situation.
The writing process was an oversharing wake up call
Both blog posts would be too much sharing I would say. And not everyone needs to know every single detail.
You see I would have to say social media is a perfect combination of
"Devils addiction with a pinch unrealistic so called loved attention."
Now why do I think sharing too much could be a bad idea?
*Note to all; This is my opinion. Don't hate me for it.
First off: Social Media sharing = Fake therapy
Virtual sharing by using social media outlets is therapeutic but giving the readers the work to make you feel successful or supported isn't entirely going to happen. That's why this is a fake therapeutic feeling.
Second: Do we really help?
How much does giving light towards certain subjects help the situation?
Because I've shared, liked and comment my share of "woke" post but does that help anybody or does it only give light on the subject for a certain amount of time. But did it help somebody really?
I don't think so. The moment the next "woke" subject appears people forget the problem.
Unless you will physically do something to help the situation instead sharing your experience or your opinion or the most laziest (what I'm guilty of) by just sharing the post.I repeat we really helping with this only.
Like my boyfriend loves to talk about virtual interactions.
We as a young society are living in a cyber world but are seriously in need of social personal connection. We strive on real connection and our body needs it.
Third: Have you noticed that some of us have lost how to connect personally with others?
*(PS I already had this but for my social butterflies)
Is connecting at party's harder now?
Everybody remembers the silent conversation where two or more people are more on their phone than engaging with each other. But does that mean no love.. is that not caring about each other..
I don't think so. I think we as a society have just become addicts and social media is our own drug.
Why do I believe this ?? Social media my own drug
As a real constant user of this drug because I as an introvert push myself to be social and still get that you are too quite speech. I try with never succeeding to connect with my loved ones when they are near.
It's not just me. We are all looking for real connections, but we tend to fall into the same habits.
Calling out to somebody in a conversation to stop looking at short Facebook story's and listen. Somebody trying hardest to stop posting when kids are with them so that they can feel the adults attention. Or walking away when somebody watches YouTube or tiktok consistently instead of looking into their loved ones eyes and just being present.
We all do this. Including me. But how to we stop.
- No phone dates
- Phone off Sundays
- Making sure mobile data is turned off when you are on the street and just be focused on what you are doing.
- Actually enjoying each other with no making pictures or videos to share
- Putting a limit on how time you spent on apps.
In the end of the day being present. Make a conscious decision to not share and be present once in a while
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