I've got this | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

God is really teaching us consistently of ourselves and how to better ourselves.  The simple "I've got this". It's a life lesson and version I aspired when I was younger. That girl that use to stress out during exams and public speaking etc. She grew up to be independent. 

The not freak out when hard life stuff happen. Not overly react but thinking calmly about solutions. The simple problem solving is a given.

Every year I learn how to react during certain situations. And my way of coming up with solutions is a skill I need to work on consistently.

From personal life situations into work experiences. For example dealing setbacks. Dealing with people their negative reactions towards you.  

The statement of being independent is good thing. Now I have to point this out not all my friends would agree. Even my Christian sister. I def do not believe that every hurdle I overcame was done entirely with my own strength.  I'm not delusional.  I know for sure God puts me in places and situations that will always grow and make me a better person. Just as He gets me through them. That includes giving me the wisdom, patience, inner peace and last strength to get through certain life hurdles with grace.

Building permit debacle 
The building permit process is a tricky process.  Each person has their own rules how the documents and drawings should be. And with that being said it most definitely brings a lot of stagnation for my client's.  This time it was that the documents were from November and they wanted them to a month old. Which is actually being pessimistic because the rules states the documents have to be 2 month's old. So it's not that far off.  But okay.  Your rules I'll follow. Second hurdle I got entirely and is totally my fault. The current look of the building. I should've made more drawings for it to be clearer for understanding the current stage.

Building permit approval
I have a project from last year and the building permit is taking way to Long. But guess what. You call and nobody pics up. You sent a message and nobody responds. Next option is go every Tuesday and Thursday to ask for the building permit state.

New printer VS New printhead 
This is almost the same price. So I'm lending some of the money for buying a new printer and I'm hoping for the best. 

Tax season over 1 month
First I thought I would wait for buying a printer but tax season is in April. Which means I need to get that part in order. And what do I think year will be. I'm going to be realistic.  Mostly because I know how my finances went and I know what is possible.  A lot of things that I need to get in order business wise, health wise and most important personal promises. I need to do some administration work now.

God's grace into my growth
But as the week has just begun and I had to make a decision about certain work aspects. I'm proud of myself for not freaking out. This is a skill set that took me years to learn. And I'm not entirely sure if I'd learned it or not so we'll see how I respond to something else. But this I stayed calm, cool and collected with the Lord grace in my favor.

Just another week to get shit done
Task for this week are a lot but I have some important things that I need to get done:
- building permit check up 2 times if not entirely received
- print out/ bind and bring for new building permit and follow up to the client
- check the state of the building permits
- buy the printer
- do some shopping for my uncle coming 
- cleaning the house
- start typing the profit and loss statement for tax season
- finally go the bank app
- personalized mails
- follow up two client's 
- finally go to doctor's appointment 
- make a new ballet classes for center
- make time to get spoiled on Valentine's day
- get back into my bible devotions 
- read about monumental rules and regulations 
- draft the correction for the fence.
- actually do what makes you happy Wednesday ❣

So as the week has just started I'm going to enjoy my hyped mentality to get shit done.
Have a great week


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