Misinformation | RCD TIPS

Hello RCD readers

This is a repost from our tips on our IG page. This post will be in Dutch and English. So I had a lot of controversy conversations with people who didn't have a problem with these statements.

Let's debunk misinformation !!

Do you agree with this statement?
"Maak alvast de bestektekeningen voor goedkeuring bouwvergunning.  Ik zal tijdens de bouw wel veranderen wat ik anders wil."

This has been my whole freelance experience. When you work for somebody than you're more hesitant to speak up and say this is not correct. I mean it's not even your client. Sometimes you don't even meet the client and you are just a drafter. 

But as the owner of a architectural firm. I am keen to make sure I make choices for my own standards  and ethics. This means I may not always get the project or be the simple architect to call for work. I will hold you accountable if I know it's wrong.

👀Biggest misinformed statements:👀

👉 bestaande tekeningen van andere door uw tekenaar laten overnemen is slim denken en komt goedkoper uit. 
👉ik heb gewoon goedkeuring nodig voor bouwvergunning aanvraag. Als ik het helemaal veranderd is niet erg.
👉bestektekeningen worden snel gemaakt want is copy paste.

Debunk First statement:
English: "Take the drawings that were posted on fellow architectural business pages and let a cheap drafter make the drawings. That is smart idea and is cheaper."
➡️ the architect or architectural drafter has the rights towards their drawings which makes using it like that "copy paste " is actually against the law.
➡️ each design doesn't fit on every site and that means using the design isn't going to be functional towards your living needs.
➡️ it isn't easier because you rushed the most important phase and that would be the preparation phase. And that mostly means you'll spent more changing during the building phase. Which means you'll spent more money in the long run.

Debunk Second statement:
English:" I just need a building permit. So just make a drawing and I'll just change the design while I'm in the building phase"
➡️ it's against the law to build anything else than what you've gotten the building permit for.
➡️ you'll have to pay huge fees for this discretion 

Debunk Third statement:
English: The drawing should be made really fast because they are simply copy past from older project's 
The normal steps for the design phase is:
👉program of requirements 
👉sketching phase for concepts
👉preliminary design phase (layout and facades)
👉corrections and additions for the preliminary phase
👉the technical part for the definitive design ( construction, installations etc) need to be discussed with the right experts in their field.
👉another corrections and additions phase but for the definitive phase.

These are three misinformed statements. They keep the system from evolving into something better by holding on to unethical mindset. 

RC Designs Architectural Studio core value points this as a big problem. We have to do our best to fix this mindset.

Check our home page for our core values.

" Be the solution in a corrupt society and not the problem or the benefactor"


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