Holy Spirit | Day in the life RCD

"God help me understand your words"

Hello RCD readers,
As I had a weird night Sunday because my anxiety was acting up again since Thursday. I remember a friend quote "this too shall pass". You see my bible and selflove journey has not been smooth but finding the courage to be consistent has. Mostly because how calm I've felt during each storm. And getting this feeling after almost a year later again. The non believer would say this is not working and why am I doing this.

God prepared me by learning this lesson beginning of 2023 " this too shall pass". Not knowing when it would pass.

So with my mind running a marathon and anxiety having a field day. I say what I said last year in the beginning of 2022. " God I don't know what this feeling is. I just know it is not from you and something wants to mess with me. But I give it over to you. My thoughts are not mine. My disbelief is not mine. I know that my mind is messing with me".

Not knowing what got me scared and anxious
I talked to a friend about this. No actual tips or feedback. But I did know what to do and that would be pray to calm yourself.

Bible Journey
When I started my journey of reading my bible consistently. I never thought that I would feel His presence so often.  After a couple of Sunday's missing church I've found my grove  back. As the 6th Sunday of Easter, the church services really follows where I am with my bible. I've just finished the Galatians. I loved reading about the Holy spirit. 

I loved the Romans and this maybe my second favorite to read. 

Christ gave us freedom. We have real freedom. So don't think as a slave. Don't misuse and do what you want. But serve in a spirit of love. Adultery fornication filth and debauchery idolatry and spiritism hatred quarrel envy temper rivalry strife sectarianism jealousy drunkenness intemperance are not from God. Love joy peace patience kindness gentleness faithfulness tenderness self-control Is from Hods

Last week was hard to read daily my bible but I've been able to catch up I think Thursday with my daily reading schedule. And I'm reading about the explanation of the Holy Spirit, the Good news of Jesus Christ and last what is expected as a Good Christian from God. And as I'm reading God sent me a question in my mind that I hadn't asked him yet. This was when a friend sent me YouTube Clip about the Holy Spirit. I found this a bit like serendipity. The answers to a question.

Preach what you've learned

A curious boy
As I was listening to the YouTube Clip about the Holy Spirit. My sweet nephew got curious and asked me about God. He knew who Jesus was. So I explained who He is for us. He asked about the Cross and I explained.  He asked about heaven. It's adorable to see him grow. You see my niece I already thought a little about the birth of Jesus. She is so into this that she still reading the kids bible. As I'm God puts me in situation to make sure children know off him.

I've decided if I can't focus on every point for self care and self love. Why not focus on getting a better spiritual relationship with God. 

This may not stay what it was in the beginning of this year but it does make you feel like you are experiencing real love, real happiness and real protection. Just make sure you keep this relationship healthy by staying consistent.

This blog post was half written since Sunday. But with the flooding and my days being totally different than I expected. I remember "this too shall pass". My faith is something that needs to be nurtured like any relationship. So that in these moments. Where for example I'm cleaning and exhausting myself for hours without being able to do my actually work. I go down to my knees every night and say 
" Lord I thank you the water didn't go to the living room and bedrooms. 
Lord I thank you the kids weren't scared during the flooding. 
Lord I thank you that my brother tried to help.
Lord I thank you that sister in law brought some delicious drink afterwards. 
Lord I thank you that I was able to have understanding clients. 
Lord I thank you that I had potential clients calling. 
Lord I thank you that with my backpain I still was able to do everything that I needed to. 
Lord I thank you that I received some belated birthday presents that I can't wait to read. 
Lord I thank you for the explanation of the holy spirit. 
Lord I thank you for you protection and love.
Lord I thank you that I'm working on compassion. 
Lord I thank you that I don't wish anyone failure or pain. I don't want to feel that hatred ever."

Lord I thank you for warning me before hand and making me strong enough to handle this. 


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