Interior Designing tips | RCD Article

Hello RCD readers,

This blog post we’ll give you some hidden gems for the interior designing phase.  This article will also give site plan tips, floor plan tips, color scheming tips (and other interior design tips ) and exterior design tips from RC Designs own experiences. These tips will all be from RC Designs’ perspective.

RC Designs’ tips for hands-on client’s in the designing process:
- Layout designing tips
- Interior designing tips
- Exterior designing tips

We’’ll ONLY discuss the topics above. But if you want to know more about these topics then check the links below.

A Client’s guide to designing their own home (PART 3), June 14th 2017 


Layout designing tips:
- So You want to Build: 7 steps to creating to a new home 

RC Designs’ layout designing  key points:
Site obstacles
Building budget
Basic rooms
Basic room rules
Room diagram

RC Designs layout designing checklist : Identify potential site obstacles
Identifying the building site is important in every building process. Take a look at your site and check if you see anything that may become an obstacle in the future. This is always important before you start with designing. Especially if it’s something that you can’t correct and you have to design around it or use it in your design.   

RC Designs layout designing checklist : Outline your budget
It’s important to know what you're capable of giving out for this project. This can also be possible with a loan. But remember to be truthful to yourself what an affordable monthly payment is for you. Before getting in unnecessary debt.  

RC Designs layout designing checklist : Have the basic rooms in your layouts
Dining room
Living room/Family room

RC Designs layout designing checklist : Know the basic room rules
Building Law (Suriname)
The possible construction area
The right position of the house due to wind direction and the sunrise
The acceptable dimensions
The relationship between the different rooms
The direction doors and windows openings
The placing of windows and doors

Other Safety laws
The fire safety rules for kitchen and other fire hazarders spaces (Fire safety building law)
The water pipeline rules and regulations (SWM)
The electricity application rules and regulations (EBS/ NEN 1010)

RC Designs layout designing checklist : Create a room diagram
A chart in the form of the map, in which all functions are classified according to desired interrelationships and the required minimum areas. It consist of one or more floor plans that indicate the space usage by organization department or function.


RC Designs’ interior designing key points:
1. Interior of the five basic rooms
2. Color scheme

Interior designing tips for the five basic room
Interior designing tips for the five basic rooms:
- 15 Design Tips to Know Before Remodeling Your Bathroom

- Top 10 Kitchen Design Tips

3)Dining room:
- 15 Dining Room Decorating Ideas

4)Living room/ Family room:
- 25 New Decorating Secrets the Pros Swear By


Interior Designing tips for the five basic rooms: Bathroom
Keep it dry
Lighting scheme
Know your dimensions
It’s all about the placement

Keep it dry!!
Always make sure that you have more than one way to keep your bathroom design dry. 

Lighting scheme
Use the lighting to accent the background colors in the room
Use decorative lighting
Use the lighting scheme for the right ambience

Know your dimensions
Knowing a few measurement, will help you plan your interior design  more  efficiently.

It’s all about the placement
  • Consider a corner sink in tight places
  • Create a good traffic-flow
  • Don’t make the toilet the first thing you see when opening the door
  • Make a statement with the tub

Interior Designing for the five basic rooms: Kitchen
Make room for storage
See the light
Safety first
Stay clean

Make room for storage
Always create storage in every spot that you can find.
There's no such thing as too much counter space. 

See the light
The lighting needs to fall in front of you
Don’t let the lighting cast a shadow on the workspace
Position window just right for enough natural lighting

Safety first
Use the appropriate power sources for appliances.
Create a good visibility to the backyard and indoor play areas from the cooking area
Use rounded countertops
Use slip-resistant flooring
Locate ovens at adult height to minimize accidental burns

Stay clean
Choose a surface that's easy to work on and care for
A hood helps with cooking odors and ventilation
Don't forget to plan for garbage and recycling bins.

Interior Designing tips for the five basic rooms: Dining room
Make a statement with the dining table
Create a center piece

Make a statement with the dining table
Place the dining table in the center of the room 
Create a good traffic flow around it 
Use the lighting to the accent the table
Create a stunning ceiling

Create a center piece
Use what you already have to decorate.
Use decorative mirrors to add instant light to your living space.
Find something that's uniquely you and display front and center

Interior Designing tips for the five basic rooms: Living room/family room
Don’t skip on the sofa
Put investment pieces in front and center
Fake height with low furniture
Mix it up with different styles
Pile on the pillow for extra lux

Interior Designing tips for the five basic rooms: Bedroom
Let space size dictate the furniture placement
Make use of a comfortable rug
A collection of things you love
It’s all about the bed choice
No tech in sight
Place to sit

Interior designing tips for Color scheme

Interior designing tips for color scheme:
- How to Choose a Color Scheme: 8 Tips to Get Started

- 15 Designer Tricks for Picking a Perfect Color Palette

Interior Designing tips for color scheme:
Choose a color scheme form the largest pattern in the space
Start with formal areas of the house
Decorate your space from dark to light vertically
Study the color of your clothes and showcase your personal style
Use the color wheel, the 60-30-10 and the rule of three
Follow your personal style
Back to black and grey
Make small spaces pop and contrast warm and cool

Use the color wheel
Colors next to each other on the color wheel
Example : such as blue and green -are more casual and relaxing, and work best in informal or private spaces. This is a good strategy for a bedroom, where you want to rest and recover

The 60-30-10 

When decorating a space, divide the colors in the space into components of 60 percent of a dominant color, 30 percent of a secondary color and 10 percent of an accent color
The walls will most likely be the majority 60%
The upholstery would represent the secondary color 30%
The accessories would make up the rest 10%

The rule of three
Limiting your palette to just three colors is a can't-miss strategy in any space.

Make small spaces pop
If you have a small room in your house, don't paint it white to make it seem bigger. Instead, give it more oomph with a look-at-me color choice. 
Let your big rooms expand with light, and your small rooms envelop you.

Contrast warm and cool
Neutrals can be chic 
Neutrals pair cool gray with warm honey-colored shades. 
While the overall effect is restful, contrasting these two opposites creates just enough tension to wake up the otherwise sleepy space. 

Exterior Designing Tips!!!

Exterior designing tips for façades & landscape:
- 10 Exterior Design Lessons That Everyone Should Know

RC Designs’ exterior designing key points:

Exterior Designing tips for the façades& Landscape:
Balancing shapes with symmetry
Form follows function
House materials and textures
Choose the right roof
Choose the right garage doors
Which windows look best
Landscaping is essential
Light up your home

Purpose of this article
  • The purpose of this article is to give the client an idea of the architect’s designing process and make sure that your dream house becomes a reality.  
  • And the second purpose is to give our own designing tips from work experiences.


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