Perfectly Flawed | Day in the life RCD
Hello RCD readers,
This blog post just sums up my feelings for last week. Making choices that I normally would deem wrong. From being polite to people who deserve my silence to saying my truth with knowing I should've kept it to myself to finally expressing something that somebody actually needs no explanation for. All of these choices make me feel absolute great. Which I thought they wouldn't because I personally felt they were wrong choices. But the beauty of doing what feels right at the moment and being truthful to yourself is always going to feel better.
Saying my truth
Politically polite is a curse or a blessing.
From gender, weight, age, sexual preference, political view, religious or spiritual preference. The society we live in is used to being politically correct. If you have an opinion that's outside societies norm, you will be ostracized from the rest of the world as a racist, bigot etc. The list can go on. We as a society have pushed the narrative that our way and our community is the right way to do anything. This is not true.
Jesus himself embraced non believers and showed them grace. Grace not superiority.
This cancel culture we've come accustom too is the worst evolution for our world's society.
How am I saying my truth? What is my own part for the change in myself?
I'm slowly being okay with saying my truth when asked and when needed. Of course very politely (*sometimes if I'm not irritated). Funny that this made people mad at me or even silently irritated and confused for my own honesty. And what they do with the information is all up to them. I release myself of that part. The old me would hold it in because I know how the person would feel and knowing the person does not even care how I feel myself. So I've learned to set myself free from this. Say your truth and embrace the not giving the f@#$ about how they feel about it. That's self growth for myself.Standing up for the lack of inconsistency with silence
I'd admire myself of being able to do this. This may for some might deem as cruel or impolite but this is an action of self love and self respect. The discipline for this is hard because it's not as if you dislike the person or wish them the worst or even not miss their presence. But you deserve people who choose you. You deserve people who give the same effort that you give them. You deserve people who know your worth. You deserve people who will say hi to you in front of others not only in secret. You deserve people who show appreciation towards your obvious effort to show that they mean a lot to you. You deserve more if you give more.
I have a sweet young friend who is going through the same thing I went through years ago. Losing a best friend by them just stopping to give any effort in the friendship. And this would be message towards her reality "It made me stronger. It made me be the best version of myself. I learned how to love myself. I learned how to take care of myself. I learned to be this amazing determent woman. It may have given me some scars but I'm graceful though cookie. But with all my shyness and fear. I always conquer those and do what needs to be done.".
Being unapologetic yourself
I'm learning to stop calculating what's right and fits my standards. Nothing in life nor situation is black and white. That means nobody's one choice fits all. By learning this I've noticed that you can make choices that feel right at the moment even though you think they are incorrect later and being unapologetic yourself. Who ever this may offend is not your problem. Don't budge on your own boundaries.
Being kind to yourself
Last week I was sick and couldn't do all the work that I needed to do for my business. This made all my growth these last months worthless. Which is a very cruel feeling to let yourself have. Being kinder towards ourselves is harder than we think in life.
If you woke up for the day.
If you just made sure that you've cared for your health.
If you gave the bare minimum at work.
If you made yourself smile today.
You've done amazing. We as a society need to stop putting ourselves down.
Be your biggest supporter. Your biggest cheerleader. Be kinder to yourself.
Much love especially that an older student going into het adolescence phase of life.
(Applause) Yes, good for you! stay strong, now your worth. It only matters what God thinks.... the other people can go sit on a duck