On August 19th 2021 RC Designs is 5 years old. And I would love share RCD experience.


·        After no success of finding a full time job in my work field. I registered as an architectural drafter to receive building permits as a freelancer.

·        Because nobody actually knew who I was and what I could do and mailing my CV to a lot of companies with no success or sometimes even a response. I decided to start with a personal blog.

·        Two months later I officially launching my Facebook page as RC Designs (personal blog).

·        Another two months later I launched an Instagram page for a day-by-day view of my back then very few freelance project’s.


·        2017 was the year I hit that 100likes on Facebook page.

·        I started creating notes of different articles on my Facebook page. And seeing a lot of people loving it I’d decided to switch from writing notes into making videos. And with this breakthrough I launched a YouTube Channel on March 8th 2017 to showcase RCD articles and BIT project’s content.


·        2018 was the year I hit my 100likes on Instagram page and 300 likes on Facebook.

·        It took almost two years to get my first building permit and also client requesting a building permit. My fee was very low because I still had mentors that I could call for feedback.

·        In one year of having my YouTube channel I posted 129 videos and got 18 subscribers. In which I made 58 Articles and 20 Back In Time. I achieved 2355views for that year only.

·        That same year I finally tried to record my voice for the first time. So my first recording article was about at home vacation. Link: https://youtu.be/8mEocek4xs4?list=PLWmgR4wLBBfJPh3pOP0kh9UIMmxaQjaRr

·        This year I could finally pay for my hobbies myself without my parents and slowly becoming partially financially stable.



·        2019 was the year I hit my 500likes on Facebook.

·        In 2019 I had my first online consultation and online design process. This project had a lot of first. This concept went so smoothly. My first 2 story residence design in which I also had my first construction collaboration and met three new civil engineers to work with.

·        I also created two Facebook groups hoping to have more control of my content; an RCD article group and an RCD book club group.

·        My first book challenge for my newest book group helped me get back in the love of reading.

·        That year I also did my first collaboration plus online survey with Vlinder Survey. The purpose was to learn about how my design process and work ethic was perceived by my paying or pro-bono clients and freelance employers. I learned a lot and did my best to correct myself where I could. I also asked to create a public online survey for my content followers (readers and watchers).


      ·        2020 was the year I hit my 600 likes on   

·        Finally, everything was looking up. After actually getting a couple of paying clients in the beginning of 2020. And not freelance projects but from RC Designs self I thought this would be the perfect year to evolve. The point was to make RC Designs public as a real blog website and architectural design studio.

·        And everyone knew how 2020 went. Projects were being cancelled. People lost their financing so they cancelled or just didn’t respond anymore. And I couldn’t get mad because everyone was trying to get through this economic state and pandemic. Ongoing projects had waited months for building permits and some are finally being build this year.

·        How did I stay productive in 2020? I decided to create content. But first in the month May 2020 (my birthday month) I created my first online blog website named RCD Blog (https://rcdesignsblog.blogspot.com/). In the first year of Covid Pandemic in my country I created content for each day. My content would be about architectural tips, project updates, article updates, and throwback post to entertain my readers and watchers.

·        On July 2020 I decided to create my first Facebook, Instagram and YouTube #rcdesignsjourney series where I discussed my journey, my content and my portfolio up till 2020. This was slightly successful because the algorithm on most social media platforms had changed.

·        That month I also created a private Facebook group for my clients. Here I show more details of my day-by day projects which I do filter for Instagram content because of privacy.

·        I tried to use my time efficiently by following taxes course and two online architectural summits “ArchiMentors Summit By Sketch like an architect and 5 Day Architect Accelerator



·        2021 began with a little of no trust. I made my goals for the year in the month May because I felt like this year would be the same. And it almost seems worst hahah. But I’m grinding through it. So, this year stay tune in because I’m busy with something important.

·        I started 2021 with finishing projects from 2020. As you’ve noticed the covid number skyrocket again but this time I’m focusing on growing business and making it more efficient. 

·        In March 2021 my partner and I started working on my website. This honesty feels like pulling teeth. The process is going so slow. And trying to be positive is getting too hard. 

·        I'm proud of myself that I may have three building permit for this year under my belt. It's very little but is something to be proud of.

    ·         It took almost 5 years to make this business               reality and it's still not where I wanted it to             be.



Like and follow my page @rcdesigns2016 on Facebook and Instagram. 
Or subscribe to our You Tube Channel



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