Tip 3: "May addition" | Money tips |

Our Monday "Tip of the week"

As promised this month we'll talk about being smart with money for design phase, planning phase, cost phase and building phase. This is for building clients.

Tip 3: Always use building phases
  • Tip 1: What is your budget? 
  • Tip 2: How do you calculate your budget?

Why is this important?
Planning your building process with the amount of money needed is smart financing, Because you know where your money is going in every stage and with this changes are possible. And making sure your design will become a reality is also possible.

How should I separate my building process?
  1. building facilities
  2. foundation to floor $$$$
  3. floor to ring beam
  4. roofing
  5. electrical and plumbing
  6. windows and doors $$$$
  7. flooring and ceiling $$
  8. kitchen, bathroom, washrooms etc $$$
  9. furniture work
  10. tiling and paint $$$$
In red I've noticed that these building phases always are high. So I think make sure to prepare yourself for this. If that means having loan income during these stages. Do what helps you!!

Check tip 1 &2:
Tip 1:
Tip 2: https://rcdesignsblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/tip-2-may-addition-money-tips.html 

Stay tuned for next week tip 4 !!


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