Tip 1: "May addition" | Money tips |

Our Monday "Tip of the week"

This month we'll talk about being smart with money for design phase, planning phase, cost phase and building phase. This is for building clients.

Tip 1: What is your budget?

Before anything find out what you have to work with.

Why is this important?
The knowing of your budget is important because you can make better decisions  and the possibility that your design becomes a reality will increase.

How far does knowing your budget actually mean?
Finding out what your budget is before doing anything means answering the questions underneath to get a better sense of the finances for dream design.
  • What is possible to spent?
  • What is the highest loan probability?
  • What do you find fair to spent?
  • What is your personal saving for this project?
  • What is your monthly usable income for this project?



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