You say | Day in the life RCD


Hello RCD readers,

How is everyone doing? Hope January began good for everyone. As you can see the blogging is slipping again. It's a good and a bad thing. The good side means I'm busy with work. The bad side means 
- I'm not having time to make this kind of content 
- I'm not taking good care of myself again.

Which means selfcare in overload. As yesterday was about girls and women in science I could but wonder how my life would be if I choose different profession. 

The teacher dream
First off I wanted to be like any little girl a teacher. This stayed for years as a young girl. 

The ballerina
When I started being good at dancing and had found my love plus discipline for the profession. I never had the guts to say it out loud because I knew my parents couldn't afford to bring to the Netherlands for this. So I kept it for myself. When I turned 13years my ballet teacher and found out about my back. And I knew surgery was not financially an option for me. Let's be honest. I would not want that. 

The architect 
In between I fell in love with this profession. Same thing. I didn't have the guts for years to say it to my family. Because I knew you had to do your masters out of Suriname and financially that would not be happening.  But God listened. Now how did I fall in love. Simple I helped my dad build our study desks for me and my sister as a little girl. I know this was entirely something different but the idea of designing and building it fascinated me so much. Ofcourse my talent of drafting was no where close. As I saw older siblings naturally sketch for school. I was in awh and disbelief. And I don't know why or how. But it just click one day. And I got really good grades for drafting in school.

Hence the title
I never whispered any of my aspirations ever to anyone but the Lord. And He said yes. 

Today I'm a ballet teacher assistant and an architect plus owner of an architect's firm. I have more that only God knows about. But I'm patient. Because these prayers are years in making with a lot of downfalls and me having to prove to Him that this is really something I want.

If you want to keep your dreams from other's.  If you believe the odds are against you. If you believe you are failing. If you feel discouraged.  Believe one thing. 
Do the work. Stay humble. And leave it to God. He will make a way. But most important be patient.

Ballet teacher I started helping when I turned 19 year. That is almost 11 years of waiting.
Becoming an architect was just about three years ago (yup I got my licence three years ago). That is almost 20 years ago.  

Patience and hard work is the key.


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