Thick Skin | Day in the life RCD
You have to grow thick skin in order to keep your heart tender. Don't let them poison you.
As the week took a weird turn. I know God got me. I feel at ease with things not going as planned. I'm calm in presence a little bad luck but most of all I have bit of a thicker skin for certain setbacks.
Emphasis on certain. Not my first rodeo. So I know everything will be fine. I'm good. A little perspective as off what I'm talking about.
Bad start for building permit phase
The week began with the goal of two project's delivered for building permit. Sunday I printed and Monday binded the first project. Purposely so that I had full control and focus on each project individually.
By Monday life be lifing. hahah and I wasn't able to. But I was persistent. Just focussed on the day and made sure the next project was still ready by Tuesday. Monday night I printed the drawings. Strange thing happened.
Printer on strike
The printer showed me this after I needed to replace the cartridge.
I didn't freak out.I turned off the printer.I mailed the company I bought printer and cartridges. I prayed and told God I have no clue what I should do. Take over.
You know that quote "if you want to make God laugh, show Him your plan's". That's how the week is going
Next morning | broken printhead
This was a hectic day. I had to call the company ofcourse because they didn't respond. Very professional. Yup the printhead needs to be changed. But the question is " Is this well worth it to do".
I asked for advice. The tech guy explained print head needed to be changed. Not one remorse or advice. Just your printer is broken is mumbled and clearly said printhead needed to be changed. They wanted to end the conversation. I had to ask do you replace printhead. And he said mail for the cost. So I did. Almost $360 to buy a new printhead and $340 to apply & maintenance that the printer does after. Ofcourse everyone is allowed to ask these prices as I am allowed to make an conclusion hell no. This is purely emotional pissed off response. Maybe I'll buy a new one. I still have to get all the right information which means. Mail HP tech themselves for their expert advice. Go to the source. I haven't made my decision yet but..
Copy centre to save the day
One thing is for sure I had to find a copy centre to do my copies for the ongoing building permit project. Which meant I was actually paying myself for the extra cost. Which is totally normal.
Thicker skin is needed
But what a Tuesday. I could get mad and whine or complain. Or I can get my big girl panties on and do what I needed to be done as an archipreneur.
- I contacted different colleagues for the right price copy shop
- I mailed the copy shop first what the cost would be and checked if I would be in trouble for the building permit cost themselves
- I did not bind the drawings that day because I need to check if everything is fine. Ofcourse I have to make do with the drawings that I got from them.
- I did go to building department to actually at least give one ongoing project but I could not swipe with my bank account. Which meant I needed to figure out how I could get the cash.
- I contacted a few people and finally end of the day somebody could help me with that.
- I got contacted from a client which project is finished. And we talked about the payment. When she will do that. I'm very flexible with the payment agreement but I don't budge with the price. I know the value of my services and I know the additions and free advice are always welcome for every client.
Hopeful Wednesday
I woke up really early because I fell asleep tired AF. All that driving. All that contacting. All the problem solving. The purpose of Wednesday was to deliver the project's for building permits and hopefully everything goes smooth. Ofcourse paying with cash this time.
Thursday | Back to Back classes
All I have to say when this week began hectic and looks like really pricey week. Thank you Lord. I'm being tested. But this time I remember God has me so I know I will be fine. Same as the printer. I had to change this every five years and this can be an OMG moment it has been 5 more years. Or it can be fuck another expense. Not sure what I'll choose this time. But in God I trust in every obstacle. He'll get me through it.
The mindset is so important.
When your mind is weak, the situation is a problem.
When your mind is balanced, the situation is a challenge to over come.
When your mind is strong, the situation becomes an opportunity.
I'm still not int the mind strong. But I'm getting their. Thicker skin and patience is some of best things God is teaching me.
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