Practice what you preach | Day in the life RCD


Hello RCD readers ,

As the month is over and we have a new month. The reflection begins. What work wise and personally did I actually succeeded in. 

Ongoing project's 
This year began with ongoing project's in different stages. Some project's that succeeded the definitive stage are finally ready for the building permit phase. This week I got a lot of call backs for the last piece of needed documents. That also means mailing the building permit costs again. What I've noticed is this phase needs a better system. But we are getting there.  I need to figure out where the kinks are. I have two project's that are still in the preliminary phase which I will be talking about next weeks.

Potential client's that were a bust
This is a given. In entrepreneurial journey you'll have to remember from the 10 call backs 2 will be serious client's. And that's real. It's not the economy it's life. I'm not selling clothes or food. But a service in an economy where building is almost impossible. People are leaving the country for better opportunities. People are eager to come up with money to buy their own land. People raising their rent to receive a higher income. So investing in builing is very low right now. So as I've gotten a lot of call backs in the beginning of the month with very few real client's.  Most people just want a price to know not the actual service. And remembering to not feel discouraged is hard for me. Not taking this too hard and understand that it's going to be okay. Don't take it to hard. Shrug your shoulders and keep moving forward. And that's what I'm doing. Focussing on what's in front of me and remembering who is in control.

Grace and compassion 
I have to be honest. This is a hard one. The urge to not talk about somebody in negative manner. When they shown their true colors but act totally opposite towards other's. When they've proven that they gossiped or talked negatively about you. When their laziness and fear is downright creating dangerous situations.  So as I've been bickering innerly with these situations. I have to show grace towards them. So I pray..

I pray for whatever they are dealing with to create these issues towards me.. 
May they find peace in their turbulence.  
May they see what they are capable off.
May they stop letting their insecurities, their negative aura have less influence towards my life. 
May I never hear their gossip about me. 
May their negative vibe have no influence towards me and my family.  And most important Your will Lord.
May I feel your grace come over me and show these situations compassion instead negative reaction back.

Practice what you preach is the hardest thing. 
I've made an effort to focus on myself this year. This means I need to not fall into situations where I go back towards things that weren't serving me anymore. Sounds weird but sometimes doing things out of kindness or for other's peace can be very draining towards you physically and mentally. So as somebody politely commented me putting myself back into certain environments. I have to remember how far I've come and how much peace of mind I have. To know not to choose that same draining environment just for their peace. You don't have to explain why it's a no that should be enough.

Practice what you preach and hold yourself accountable when falling back into bad reactional habits.


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