God's Angels | Day in the life RCD
Stay close to people that believe in you,
lift you up, and make you feel like it's good to be yourself
Hello RCD readers,
Do you believe in angels? I do. You can call it what you like but I do feel a sense of comfort that the Lord takes care of us through His angels.
Yesterday I had a Facebook memory of me making my online questionnaire for client's. It was the time where I was waiting for response for my business account and architect's permit. And it took me back the lessons I learned that time. The one in forefront would be patience. But something I didn't discussed was God's angels. Now I don't believe I was alone nor did anything alone during that time. And I always think back and see it as a calculated masterpiece from the Lord.
For my experience I felt that the Lord put people in my journey for specific purposes.
My fear of failing and angst to take a big step
I don't need to second guess I was coddled by the Lord. I know that for a fact. The friendships that motivated me. The strangers that brought to peace with their kind words and motivation.
I didn't know always what to do or which step I would need to take. So with that being said I need people their knowledge that have done certain steps to give advice and support. And sometimes it where people I had just met. Or people that on a coincidence share their experiences and really benefited me completely.
For some reason that I believe only God could make a way. I never missed any personal payment. It always worked out. That's why I believe " I'm good because I know God provides and always makes a way".
His favour
The waiting periode I'd discussed but it worked out just perfectly for me. It gave me time to work on my business. It gave me time learn more about running a business. It gave me time to get better equipped for my services. It gave me time to save up for certain work expenses. It gave me time to learn about marketing. It gave me time to create a work rhythm.
I became closer with some people in my life and this felt amazing. I know have stronger healthy relationships with people I know are their for me and really love me. I keep these people close. The friendship growns solely because we accepted each other and respected each other's boundaries
Christian sisterhood
It's something I've always thought was beautiful to watch. But never experienced people caring about each other's enough. But God blessed me with Christian sister's to go through this journey together. The conversations are different. The praying for each other. The keeping each other accountable. The vibe is totally different. You can feel the positive support and love.
Don't let the world make you think that you are alone. God's presence and influence is always with us. He is will always provide. Never forget that keep praying and don't give up hope.
For my guardian angels here on earth. Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your support. Thank you for patience. Thank you for your friendship.
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