Girl's Girl | Day in the life RCD

So we may walk as equals.

Hello RCD readers,

Enjoy the blog content while I'm giving it. I had a dream about somebody I haven't talk to nor seen for a minute. No real reason why. No explanation. Just block and no contact for about half of a year. And it makes me think. I use to ponder on the fact that this person always saw me in negative state. They couldn't even fake it. Even if they tried. Everyone has an opinion. Some say jealousy.  Some say anger. Some say disappointment.  Some say easy way of removing themselves from responsibilities within the relationships. I don't need to be a friend to you when you are at your lowest when we have a fight during your lowest. Some say conditional love. They can only give a certain amount of love and I need accept that.

And I say. Let it go sweetheart.  It's time to let it go. Not in the hope of things getting better. Not in the hope of fixing it fast so you are there when they need a friend. Not in the hope of having that special bond again. Not in the hope of them taking back their responsibilities in your friendship with them. But because you have to let go to receive what God has for you even if it hurts really bad.

As I'm trying to get back to reading my bible more frequently I'm seeing things as they are. My hold on to things like this relationship. And no it's not because I'm happy and freakishly at peace with the people in my life now. But let's be real if I kept my focus on this I would not have met some amazing new people. 

Don't hold on to the past. And don't look back. It will stagnant your growth.  I always new that. But blessings. That is something I'm just learning.

I've given my blessings away like they were candy. Because of love. Because of not feeling like I deserved it.  Because thinking that this person is already jealous or uneasy of my small blessing at that moment let me smooth this awkward feeling by sharing this with them. I've done this so many times that unlearning it is really hard.

For example: not fully enjoying your achievement because you know a friend or family member or loved one hasn't received that. That is stupid but yes I need to stop doing that. Or another as my teacher said don't half ass an achievement by saying a negative when discussing your achievement.  Or another knowing how to take a damn compliment.

Now most important let me point out this is not fault of the other person. My actions and responses are my own fault and responsibility.  Their actions and mistreatment plus most important  " THE CONSEQUENCES OF THOSE ACTIONS " is their responsibility. I can't change them. I can only change myself and my response. 

Consciously making choices or let's say receiving blessings because not everyone has the same heart as me. Some will jump on the why them train. Even if they have achieved more than you. Yes I know. We humans. 🙈 Forgive them and move on with your day.

So as I'm overjoyed for other's blessings. I'm trying to really receive my blessings and accomplishment fully. Who cares who applauds and who doesn't. It shouldn't diminish your achievements.

Have a blessed day


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