Focus | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Distractions will always come when you are going where God wants you to go. God has a plan for our life. When you are going towards your purpose and following your season in your own life's. It's perfectly normal to get distractions. I'm just going to say. 

Those thoughts. Those setbacks from people being jealous. That client/colleague/ friend contacting out of the blue. That is just you getting reassurance that you are in the right spot and going in the right direct of your life. 

Not every thought or experience is from God and some is from the enemy trying to distract you from doing what you are meant to do. So I say focus on what you need to do and stay determined. 

Last week felt like that. A lot of distractions. A list of things to do for this month and feeling like the month went too fast. Unmet goals. Feeling of worry wants to creep in but you have to focus. It's just a distraction and if you keep your mind on what God wants you to do you'll won't stay distracted.

It's the same with sin. That negative or sinful thought are not yours. And if you act on it. What will happen? You have succeeded with disappointing yourself.

Sorry for the rambling and hopefully you'll receive the message.

But that's how my week went. I did my best to silence the noise and stay focused.

Not fully active
I give more ballet classes this schoolyear. And I haven't fully committed into a schedule that fits for me. I have support to choose what works for me. So I haven't said which days/classes I'm staying with. First week went smoothly. I did let go of one class I followed (which I kind of loved) but it would be me stretching myself to thin. The second week that's when the distractions began. 
  • First class is a handful mostly because I have to get use to new kids and my kids didn't all come back. And my go to reaction would be let it go. But this is actually how I will get better by challenging myself more. 
  • Second Day are back to back with Jazz at the end. First week went okay I had 3/4 of a class material. Second week went perfect. And I was more prepared and felt like I had a better schedule for the classes themselves. But Jazz I was scared of the lift mostly because my back but if I want to be in control of my body I should allow my body to show me what it can and not fall back. Set a better example. 
  • Third day was easy breezy the first week. Second week the distraction began. I couldn't go. Other unexpected responsibilities. I could be totally bummed out about it and make a decision. Because I hate letting people down when they count on me so I always commit when I'm certain it's a yes and I don't when I'm not sure about it. I hate saying yes and not keeping my promise. Your word is gold. That is what makes you reliable.  

Now the focusing part: I promised myself to see this month what works and hold on to that. But life gives you distractions. I can let my own ego make a decision now with the day's or I can wait it out and see what is possible. I'm going to try not to let distractions make permit decisions and see this arrangement through with me doing my utmost best for myself.

Focus on the positive | Work:
I had a couple of conversations with friends and we talked about how fast the month went and unmet goals.  And now writing I'm noticing it really bothered me if I'm thinking back almost 4 people this came up.  

My distractions and me stressing about them:
  • I can go OMG this simple task or goal or project is not finished yet. They will think I'm not professional.  
  • I wanted this amount of new client's in January. Will this effect my income? 
  • The content didn't go as expected. Will I loose followers or will I get a new client out of this? 
  • The client didn't pay this yet. Will they pay on time? 
  • The building department is not reachable and I haven't gotten approval. Am I good enough? Did I not do a good job? Do I look like I don't know what I'm doing? 
  • They didn't follow up. Did I loose a client? 
  • I had to say no to client in the beginning. Will that effect me? Did I make a mistake? 
Overall my mind says I'm behind. I'm failing. I won't make the income I need this month. I am making mistakes.

My distractions and me now focusing by taking control of the situation:
  • I can go OMG this simple task or goal or project is not finished yet. They choose to work with me because my content. They know how I work. They trust me fully and believe in my word to do a good job.
  • I wanted this amount of new client's in January. God has always provided what I needed and He makes a way. Putting the focus on Him. Not stressing about it. 
  • The content didn't go as expected. Focus on what I did achieve within a month. Better strategic marketing and content making. Growth in reach and growth in responding for a price.
  • The client didn't pay this yet. You'll receive on time don't stress about it. And if distrust plays out remember they will always get theirs. And you will handle that accordingly
  • The building department is not reachable and I haven't gotten approval. Stop stressing do the corrections and additions. Be smart from other times of waiting because of people negligence. You know what to do. You know how to handle unprofessional situations with professionalism. Not your first rodeo. 
  • They didn't follow up. The right client for you from God is going to come. Just focus on your part. By doing the work and learning to evolve every time.
  • I had to say no to client in the beginning. I did make the right choose with a client who isn't serious with me. 

Growing relationship with the Lord
Oow those distractions are funny ain't them. 
  • For me it was people doing things just to be an @$#%. And me choosing to not get out of character
  • Falling back on kindness. And getting a wake up call to not put yourself in situations where your gut says run. Don't let your own kindness fall back into being overly nice to people you should care for from afar. Call a spade a spade. Don't overdo it to be kind and let yourself be used.  Removing myself from people that have shown me not to trust. 
  • Gossiping, excluding people, spreading your own negativity into the environment. I pray on these moments and remove myself if I can from these situations. Even if that means I'm the odd man out. You can only change your reaction and not others their behavior. All I can do is pray on it and not fuel more fire on to this.
  • I'm working on personally on certain things and out of the blue I get distractions to overthink about. Sorry not going into deep on this one. One thing I'm comfortable of saying is for me it would be being a better Christian woman just as much being a better teacher and being a better archipreneur. I'm getting distractions from all sides which means I'm on the right path. Focusing on bettering myself.

Hope you learn to see what is just a distraction to get you off your path and may you not stay distracted but removing yourself for your own growth.  Stay rooted to God's journey for you. When going astray remember to pray on it.


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