Back in the groove | Project Update
Hello RCD readers,
First workday past me. It was a little of a challenge getting back into my groove. But tried my best. I contacted one ongoing client and checked online another ongoing project for the building permit.
Project MD
An OG client contacted me in December. She wants to make her last design smaller. After figuring out she doesn't have the budget to build it. * tip for potential client's when the architect tells you the possible amount it will cost to build your preferred building area (m2). Please listen to us.
She didn't and still wanted her design. Now we have to make her old design smaller and do the construction calculations again. My job is to keep her in the budget because it's different kind of drafting work. Yes it's more than just removing lines in the computer. It's also checking what's possible. So that she doesn't have to pay for a whole new drawing.
I did my best in December to accommodate her before she went back to Netherlands. Which meant going above and beyond for the one on one appointment. That also meant having the client come two sometimes four hours later than original appointment because of unseen circumstances from her part. I also tried to do a lot of work in two day so that she could give me feedback before my Christmas break. But she didn't. She kept the drawings until I contacted her yesterday if she had any additions. And ofcourse she does. Bigger sleeping areas but same overall (m2) building area. Which is another doozy for me. But I can do it. You see saying make the kitchen or bathroom smaller is not really helping me. It's my responsibility to make sure the following:
- keep the design the same because she loved it
- make sure every (m2 area ) rooms are not smaller than minimum is allowed
- make sure I put the concrete column the right place for the engineer to do the calculations and the builder not to have problems ( mostly when it's not symmetrical). And last for her not to have a eyesore like a column where a window would be perfect.
- make sure that each corrections or additions is construction wise good plus aesthetically perfect. And most important try not to loose your client's favorite things within the design.
Project PT
This project is in the building permit phase. I had this project finished in October and it's a freelance project. Of course no payment for my work nor the building permit cost were given back then. Hahahah but the freelance employer still asked me in December how far the building permit is. I have this happen two times. It's something I still have to learn how to deal with. These kind of client's who:
- don't hold up to the payment agreements but want to see work being continued
- don't respond but magically want their ideas on paper without ever giving feedback what especially they want to change.
- not knowing what professional boundaries are and stepping over them consistently.
So after me explaining payment was not made for my services(definitive drawings finished) and proceeding to building permit phase. I only was paid for the building permit in December. I did go to the building department and ofcourse I had to make two to three trips back. Their papers where not complete and the personal information that I asked for was also not complete. Mistakes from both our parts. I needed to emphasize again and checked again the things they didn't give me before going to building department. But lesson learned this year better.
Project EB
This is an old client. Which I love to work with. He loves architecture so he loves the process. He does change his mind a lot but after two years we finally came to a halt and the first part of his design will be going through the building permit phase. And that is also a doozy.
Project building permits
I have a couple of project's that are finished but the client's documents aren't ready for the building permit. So with that being said. This year is waiting for those project's to start the building permit phase and all of them want the building cost service plus building contract written with the building tasks.
I think I lost the client on my first day. Hahahah. They want a design with vastu rules followed. I have no knowledge myself with that yet. Maybe this year. This year I know what I want to learn some new design things so that I can give a better service to my client's. They asked me my prices which is kind of weird to just answer because a lot is needed before I can give a price: (written this in Dutch).
- ik heb alvast uw max bouwoppervlakte nodig. Als u dat niet weet. $400-$700/m2 om te bouwen voor middle-class designs. Dan kunt u van hieruit bepalen hoeveel max m2 u kunt bouwen.
- is het nieuwbouw? Perceelkaart nodig om voor u te bepalen hoe groot u max mag bouwen volgens bouwwet. Hypothecair uittreksel om te zien wat soort perceel u in bezit bent als het op uw naam is.
- is het uitbreiding of renovatie of herindeling? Kan prijs pas bepaald worden dmv locatie bezoek. Ik moet zelf zien hoeveel werk het is bestaande te meten. Soms heb ik rondom bestaand woning of gebouw de afmetingen nodig. En bepaalde opdrachten zou ik geheel woning of zakenpand in kaart moeten brengen voor een betere passend ontwerp
- heeft u een ontwerp in gedachten of niet? Sommige klanten hebben hun droomhuis al op papier en willen de technische tekeningen. Ik maak dan een offerte gewoon voor het uittekenen ervan.
- heeft u geen ontwerp en hulp nodig? Hier bied ik volledig ontwerp proces dwz voorlopig and definitief ontwerp. Dus prijs zal anders zijn dan wanneer ik een plattegrond krijgt en dat voor u moet uittekenen. (onthoud als plattegrond gewoon een idee is dan wordt toch volledig ontwerp aangeboden , want er zullen toch aanpassingen komen in ontwerpproces)
- wilt u 3D model? Dan onderstaande belangrijk:
a) U kunt zeggen ik wil gewoon een idee hebben hoe het eruit zal zien en niet gedetailleerd dan.
b) Of u wilt interieur en exterieur om echt in beeld te krijgen over uw droomontwerp.
c) wilt u alleen 3d ontwerp? Of wilt u ook bestektekeningen? Als u ook bestektekeningen wilt dan bied ik 3D model met een aangepaste prijs. U kunt kiezen 3D model tijdens voorlopig ontwerp (waarbij wij volledig voorlopig gedeelte 3D tekeningen besprekenen en na een vast ontwerp dan pas beginnen met uw bestektekeningen) u kunt 3D model na definitief ontwerp.
d) is het verdieping of flat? Bij verdieping komen externe onkosten bij:
- grondonderzoek indien constructeur plek niet kent plus als we praten over zakenpand.
- constructie berekeningen voor staal en beton incl. Nodige constructie details en werktekeningen
This process still needs refining and every year I get a new client that learns me that my standard online consultant needs some work. But I'm up for the tasks.
So hopefully this weeks goes smoothly and I get happy client's.
Have a blessed Tuesday
It's normal. You have some lazy days ahead. Just take it easy