Speak life into yourself | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

As I'm busy getting on schedule with an ongoing project. I'm thinking about content for the last three month's of this year. 

I know I'm too early but I'm so hyped to evaluate this year. I don't have a lot to compare it too. Mostly because the prices went really up. This means every higher income from previous years is not high enough for daily expenses.  Makes you wonder. For instance the dollar price was SRD 40 and now SRD 28. Is such a big difference.  The expenses for electricity tripled. I mean come on. How can you be sure that you are doing okay with these drastic economical differences over the years. 
But I'm still hyped to evaluate in December my overall growth in all area's. 

I love living for these calming stages in life. When things cool down. So I have three days to go before I take a legit break.  Monday is my first day off. 

Tasks before my break:
- give building permit for fence
- finish layout and facades for project EB (I don't think that it will be possible to put all the additions for the engineer to do the calculations) but I will do my best. I have till Sunday. 
- sketch for a potential project (I haven't even started)

Side note: *If I could turn off my phone I would hahaha. But I'll keep my phone on the upcoming weeks. Now what I will be doing during my break is speaking life into myself.

Getting lost in the daily hustle 
I've been working on every professions in my business. From Administration to marketing to architect designer to director. I could keep going on. Each has different responsibilities but equally important. And being so busy you can loose touch of the importance and blessing of your daily simple life. 

We can get caught up in the hustle and busy daily tasks that we loose ourselves. We get irritated quickly. Anxious frequently. Thank God I don't get burnt out. (I make sure of that part). But most important part is that we can become temporarily insensitive towards other's. I've learned this year. Anger and Fear is not from God. So when I get unnecessary angry towards something I know to take a step back. Same with fear. We are not suppose to believe that we can't do anything in this world because every miracle and impossible thing we achieve or witness is from God's grace. 

My biggest red flag that I need a real break
This time I'm fighting with anger again. Somebody not taking responsibility for their mistakes. I've seen them. Lie. Manipulate and down right hurt somebody because of their own ego and stubbornness. The inability to say I'm sorry and check how the person is doing after their mistakes baffled me. I had to repent. Because I could just go and say "fuck you". Now when that came in my thoughts.  I knew that I had to repent for my anger. Trying to put myself in their shoes is a little too much for me to ask myself. But a simple being kind and polite is my first step to not making things worst and getting my own peace of mind back. 

Speak life into yourself
During this break whatever I choose to do. One important thing I will be doing is speaking life into myself. With words and my way of thinking. Getting back to my center. By identifying negative thoughts and working on that. Sometimes you need to silence the noise to notice this. And that's what I'm doing give myself a restart for better mindset.

Before I go remember words are powerful, after all. Scripture tells us that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). Every time you repeat a negative, defeating statement or speak a hopeless thought, you are handing Satan a stick with which to knock you down. Make the time to work on that before you practice what you preach during the busy seasons.


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