No regrets | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Regret is useless emotion. Make sure you don't regret your choices if possible. 

I was talking to my brother about a reel I saw. It was entirely about regret. They were talking about a study of elders who were asked what they regretted in their lives. And this is what they said. 

1) working too hard
A lot of people work so hard:
- for themselves or
- for their families or 
- for fame and fortune or
- to show others how successful they've become.
That they don't even take a break. Their life is built of constant work. And when they get older they regret having worked so hard and not enjoying life more.

2) not spending time with loved ones
They get consumed in materialistic things and achievements. That they don't have nor make time for the people that care about them. When the person is gone they regret the time they could have used better with them. It can be your kids. Your parents. Your spouse and even your supportive friends.

3) not chasing their dreams
We have this stigma over different life choices or job titles or just way of living. That we choose to listen to others. What they think you should do ? Who to marry ? When to marry ? When to have kids? Not following uncontroversial dream. Just because it doesn't fit society's bubble.

4) not telling people you love them
Not saying to a crush how you feel about them. Not telling a loved one I love you.  Because of anger. Or sometimes family dynamics just don't do that. People regret this what if. 

5) not taking care of their health
This is a big one. We push that doctor's appointment so often thinking we have time. When reality this is the only body we came with and need to take care of it.

As I checked every point. I came to this conclusion.  I don't regret anything in my life. I spent a lot of time with my loved ones. I make an effort to show the people in my life how important they are to me. Every person I ever had a crush on or loved knew how I felt. No matter how it ended. I don't have any regret because I was honest... open.. vulnerable and gave it my all. What they do with that information is not important.  That sense of what if is not in me. I'm chasing one of my dreams with every downfall,... every sacrifice I made... I will never regret the years I spent trying to make a dream of mine come true. With every scared and insecure inch of my body. I know that I'm a work-a-holic. Because I love what I do. I make sure to create a balance in my life always. I keep in mind how long I have with my family. So I make sure to show I care and make time for them. And last my health. This is a slow struggle.. But I always start with what I put in my body first.

I hope you remember not to regret any of these points. Life is too precious make constant choices that give you that regretting feeling of what if.

Have a blessed Sunday
Happy Birthday Mommy love you. 


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