Growth | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

We've gone passed midway of the year and are in the Chinese lucky number 8th month of the year. I've worked really hard non stop to be consistent and it has paid off. 

I'm not crazy and I'm not saying everything is peachy. But I've seen growth in so many ways. Of course with growth relationships have changed again like a couple of years ago. I'm not bitter about it nor stuck on any of that. I'm enjoying the journey and going with the flow. But also blissful growth professionally. How I handle hard situations. How I keep a balance. How I keep my cool mentally and not let things unnecessary get to me.

My prayer to God answered
A couple of years ago God really answered an important prayer that year. I felt stuck and but content. And didn't see how I was going to grow as a person and a business that year. I had no money that I was able to use for starting a business. Mostly because I was saving for an certain future. I didn't feel connected to certain crucial relationships in my life. I hadn't woken up early for years by that time. I was scared that I didn't had a chance to start my company because the entire architect title concept. I was fooling myself by giving myself self talks for situations that weren't serving me. I needed a change. I was not doing my best in ballet. I was finding my faith again. I was pouring my heart for help. I was holding on to a lifestyle that wasn't evolving. I was so anxious and so going into a burnout. And I kept this on till last year. When I made a few mayor life decisions that really changed my day to day personal life. 

Don't sit at a table that you are not welcome
I let go of certain things in my life. My taking a step back showed my importance in certain people lives. And it really gave me the guts to choose me. In choosing yourself you learn more of what you really want in life. Some may say it's selfish. But choosing me was needed to find the person I was evolving into. I wasn't the same girl from 2014. I had grown into somebody that I couldn't recognize and her dreams were different from that young naïve 25 year old girl. 

Standing up for myself
I'm actually not taking any bullshit in the most professional way without losing my essence by becoming an asshole like others. For instance I said no a lot to collaborations that were not going to serve me. Ethic wise. I stayed professional but firm with people who thought they could misuse my kindness and misjudge me for being naïve in this business. Saying No. oow that's a new one for me. It's hard when it's family or a loved one. But I'm so getting used to it. You don't need to shout nor overexplain yourself. You also definitely do not need to belittle your own values to accommodate others who will not accommodate your values as a friend. Because that is not love nor friendship.

Excepting people as they are but placing where they belong.
A lot of times people don't want to take accountability for their behavior or actions during certain situations. But I'm good at not burning unnecessary bridges anymore because nobody is perfect. I do place you where you belong. If you only want to react when you need me. I'll remember not to ask nor share my problems because you won't help nor care. If I catch you in a lie. I'll remember never to trust your words anymore. If you treat me a certain way and entirely different when you need me. I'll remember that I'm never your friend but your stepping stone. Now in each way you have to remember that you can participate or burn bridges. I'm learning to choose wisely who to still participate with and who to burn that bridge.

Let kindness lead
As a retired people pleaser. I'm getting used to not letting my kindness towards others change in this cold world but also not letting people misuse my kindness. I make an effort to let my kindness lead no matter who the person is. Mostly because I've seen people have bad days. And most of the time the bad mood has nothing to do with me (aka a stranger). I've seen more people open up to me. I've seen more smiles on a day by day basis. That it gives a ripple effect. People are nicer towards others. I've had so many small talks to random strangers these 4 almost 5 months. The simple hello has become more frequent than usual. I've put a little pinch to create happy environments by just doing my best to spread kindness. Jesus would say Love my people as I love you. And that is just state of being kind to strangers. And helping the ones who need help.

Kill fantasy
Still working on this one but fantasizing. I'm used to dreaming when something good happens. And overanalyzing the promising future. It can be potential project. It can be a potential dream position that would give me huge step forward in my career. It can be meeting new people that I find amusing. It can be achieving a certain milestone that will get you closer to your dreams. It can be just how a normal day by day work day would look like. And getting a step ahead how the future will be. Instead being present and going with the flow. Not eager to go ahead of yourself. Or let's say ahead of God's plans.

Asking for help
OMG. That's a hard one. Knowing that I can't do everything means also being humble enough to ask for help and not caring how people will perceive it. That's another big thing not putting emphasis on how people will perceive you. This little simple normal task "asking for help" creates deeper relationships. Opens up for an understanding even better a friendship.

Taking time to have fun by creating a balance.
After an couple of hectic months. As you may have noticed less "Project updates and behind the scenes". But most important project reviews. I made a conscious decision to make time in my busy schedule to do extra fun things.

Christian based dance show
First I was invited by my ballet school teacher to attend my Christian dance recital. I absolutely loved the show. I enjoyed the music. I felt the dancing message. It was my favorite show.

I planned month before with a friend to go see Suripop. After years of missing that one out. Which of course the universe gave me an entirely different night. I did get to see it with weirdly a client/old fellow student. But overall it was a fun night with lots of amazing singing.

Mixing pot dance show
The second was three hours. I loved a couple of dances but the show was too long to remember which ones. The little ones music was not age appropriate and some had foul words.

Classical dance show
The third one was a doozy. Loved the dancing. It was really my style. Disliked the filling time.

And this may go on. Who knows. But for now back to work on my ongoing project's and focusing creating a balance.

Most important
My personal relationship with God. Going to him for almost everything. It has calm me. It has protected me. It has kept me save in situations that could've had a terrible outcome. The one important relationship by far in my life. That creates my happiness and helps attract good hearted people. But also see people intentions right away.

Dedicated to the kind strangers I've met these couple of months whom I've shared simple acts of kindness with and they on their end made me feel welcomed plus save.


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