Our little boys | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Proud aunty moments here. For those who know me in real life. They can witness I love being an aunt. I do go above and beyond for me nieces and nephew's. I've even gotten heat or sometimes those backhanded compliments in life. Because I do share them a lot. Some idiot once made an harsh remark "make your own kid". Yes it was an aunty and yes she is still alive with no heat back from me.  Another smart one told others that I act like they are my kids. Which at the time I was offended but now I don't care. It was to be hurtful. But these people will never understand so why should I ever care.

Because I've seen people I've loved not reach their greatest high point. I'm on a mission to do my best for the next generation in this family. Now let's put this narrative right. All my cousins made something off themselves that they can be proud off. But most had hardships because the adults gave up on our boys.

So yes I'm a hands on aunty. Now my little boys. I wear different hat's in their world. Because it takes a village to raise kid's. I'm the teacher. I'm the protector.  I'm the nurse. I'm the hugger. I'm the peace maker. I'm the best friend. I'm the disciplinary. 

I choose to make my own change and input for a change in my family. I don't want them to become adult boys.

Our society 
I've witness a lot of men raised by mother's with no male figure present or most important taking the father role seriously. This is a cycle that keeps repeating in society. Which stems from broken people raising broken kids. No digg. It the world we live in sadly. I'm personally doing the work to heal from my own traumas and make a change. And I'm not their yet. But hopefully one day. We need a change. And some cycles need to be broken for the next generation.

Men have a lot on their plate. They are expected to be provider of the household. Be strong. Be the protector.  And with Christian expectations a lot more comes into place. They set the vibe in the household. The father takes care off the mother who is then able to be the best mom for her family.  Now what we sometimes get is boys who haven't grown up to become men before the age the are expected to be men. So they don't know how to be father's.  They don't know how to be boyfriends, husbands , partners and just plain men. 

Sink or swim
I've seen men strive with a lot of hardship when they get a taste of their own real life expectations. A friend of mine has built a business from the ground up. He is the sole provider of his Family (parent's and sister). But with this it took a big digg into his health.  Another friend tried different ways to make an income and he has chosen correctly with his partner for him to flourish. Somebody who knows what is excepted and what he needs to keep growing. He has made choices for the future by taking risks and helping other's. By being cautious with how he spents his money but still putting his family wellbeing first. They taught me a lot with this journey of theirs that I'm becoming a better business women. "Like my older brother's."

Now let's talk about the sink part
Some don't grow up. Some expect family and friends to fix their problems. Some choose to be surrounded by people that sooth their ability to stay stagnant. The moment that some are challenged they self sabotage their own greatness. 

I love seeing father's in society that step up. Be better that what they've gotten as a child. Choose to raise better men in society by not giving up on their boy's.  It's beauty to watch them flourish in being a daddy. You see boys knowing that they have a rock for life.

What change can I make?
I can't talk about what would help society but I can start at home. 

My first nephew was always by himself in the sense nobody in the family had children yet. So only thing I could do is be the fun aunt that makes sure he knows that he belongs. I'm proud of the man he is becoming. He is the best son to his mother. The sweetest big cousin to the young ones. I have no clue what the future holds for him. But I pray he finds his way as he is coming into adolescence. 

Now my third nephew was and is my "plak todo". He has flourished so much in such a short time. I can't believe our prayers were answered.  He does well at school. He is slowly learning to handle his frustration and anger. He is so emphatic for his grandma. He learned cooking, drafting in sketchup, making his own games, making music online etc. He keeps growing and surprising me. I'm such a proud aunty. 

He is used to being a little more spoiled. But discipline is all he needs. He is learning to be kinder. He is learning to be more polite. He is learning to share. He is a totally different boy than his big brother. And needs different kind of attention.  And aunty big boy turned 5 year's old.

My trouble maker. This is my love disagree with aunty relationship.  He is such a cutie. A smoother talker than his brother's.  He is the daredevil. He is a good teddy bear thrower. He can be so polite and caring when he wants.  And he is the boss as most younger ones our. Which is maybe why I bicker so much with a two year old on a daily basis.

I know it takes a village to raise kids. I'm just a piece of their life. And all anybody needs is for their family not to give up on them. So I will do my best not too for my family's next generation. 


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