Welcome Him into your day| Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

I hope everyone has a great Labor day today. I'm writing this a little late on the day off but why not. I haven't written a day in the life for awhile and I kind of missed. But I needed to talk about my testimony. 

My learning phase is not over
I keep learning more in life. And I keep learning about people and accepting them as they are. You see love isn't only accepting the person as they are but also not accepting that negativity from that person. Let me elaborate. The world loves to say love them as they are. Our God loves us despite our flaws but He doesn't accept it He will change you for the better. Sometimes it's by setting you in situations that acquire you to change. But He is so patient and loving about that.

Follow His kind of loving
And I will follow that kind of love still. I use to have different approach. I'm the youngest but the mothering one from the bunch. I have the mentality of the older sister. Always reliable.. Always trustworthy.. Always the mediator etc. Which also makes me the bossy, opinionated one. I have slowly stopped.You may think this is entirely different than what I first said. But it is not actually. God doesn't let you stay where you are and will get you out of your own way. Sometimes people need to fall to get back up.  I'm doing this not because I do not listen to God but because they have to find God first. Learn to go to God first in any situation. Now I will speak to those who will listen but I will not be the bad guy anymore because one does not want to follow what is good but only what is convenient for them.

New approach 
Learning to show love but not consistently correcting them what is unethical or mean or bad. But loving them despite that and if the coin drops show them how you trust in God to help them out of that situation. Be with them when they fall that is showing love. Keep showing them the right way and letting God change them.

Old bad approach always backfires
Now I was the bad guy because I would speak the truth.And  because nobody else cared enough about them to say something. I would be the bad guy. The person who is always negative.  The bitchy and judgemental one for each one of their friends. But letting people figure things out by themself is love too. That's what I'm learning. Love is not condemning them but bringing them back to life. You see we fall down when we are surrounded by people who dislike us. I have had that. Staying with friends that talked behind my back, that secretly wished I would fail, that weren't that supportive towards me. Simply said people that were frenemies but didn't want to let go of me. But when you do. You sleep better at night when you distance yourself from people that actually don't wish you well. 

Life will still be life but you'll have supportive uplifting people around you instead. And that bring such a peace in your life.

Sorry for the rant. But that's how I brought God in my day today. Letting Him guide my day. Ofcourse more in this day needs God's guidance but I wanted to talk about this part today.

How can you welcome Him into your day?
By before touching your phone, the television etc. Talk to the Lord. Thank him. Praise him. And welcome into your day for his guidance of your troubles or fears from the day.

For instance today a work problem. I need to stand still and let God take over. So my work is to stand still , be silent and wait patiently.
A personal issue God already is taking over by calming down everyone's emotions today. So I will see what God wants to happen with this situation. 

Welcome the Lord into your day and let him guide you that is living with God.
Have a blessed day.


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