Day 10 | Fasting 2024
Hello RCD readers,
As today will be my last fasting post for this year. I would love to talk about the good week.
The good week is an experience I started profusely to go too since 2019. Mostly because I missed going to church. As we as a family used to go more frequently to church.
Some call it the Holy week.
Holy week is the most sacred week in the liturgical year in Christianity.
It begins with Palm Sunday (Sixth Sunday of Lent).
Biblical Story
Palm Sunday recalls the story in Christian Scripture of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, greeted by people waving palm branches. It is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and to be willing to follow him.
The meaning
Jesus' purpose in riding into Jerusalem was to make public his claim to be Messiah in fulfillment of Hebrew prophecy. Jesus rode into his capital city as a conquering King and was hailed by the people as such. And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna!. The Messiah had come to Jerusalem and the prophecy was fulfilled.
In Suriname we purposely take notice on:
- Ash Wednesday
- Palm Sunday
- Holy Thursday (witte donderdag)
- Good Friday (goede vrijdag)
- Holy Saturday (stille zaterdag)
- Easter day ( 2 paas feestdagen)
We have in the beginning of our fasting period people who want to become Christian. They go through baptizing, Holy Communion and Confirmation during this period. They experience the key moments of the Holy week and learn about Jesus. So since the first Sunday after Ash Wednesday they get to learn scriptures about Jesus. I've talked about an couple of Sunday Scriptures during this fasting time.
Holy Thursday
Biblical Story
One of the most eventful and vital days in the liturgy of the Church, Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples, where He instituted both the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders (the priesthood).
We remember this day every Sunday with communion. But during this day the priest washes feet of 12 people in the church.
The meaning of the washing of the feet "Humility"
Firstly, the act of washing the feet serves as a picture of Jesus' ultimate mission: to serve humanity through His humble death on a cross, a death that washes us clean from all sin. Secondly, Jesus intends His demonstration of humility to serve as an example to His disciples (and anyone who reads the passage).
Good Friday
Biblical Story
On Good Friday , Jesus Christ was crucified at the place of skull or Calvary after being flogged and nailed by wrists and feet on to a cross.
We are reminded that he paid for our sins. Which is why this day is one of the mourning day's for Christians.
Holy Saturday
Biblical Story
Holy Saturday is significant because it marks the time when Jesus Christ was buried in the tomb, fulfilling the prophecy of his death and resurrection. It is a time of preparation and reflection, as Christians anticipate the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
We have in Suriname as an "singi neti" at night. If I would have to explain it to other's. We bring a candle and sing for Jesus's passing.
Easter Day
Biblical Story
It marks the Resurrection of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion.
Easter is one of the principal holidays, or feasts, of Christianity. For many Christian churches, Easter is the joyful end to the Lenten season of fasting and penitence.
In Suriname we have two church services. And the second is mostly baptizing.
So I've decided to take a week off and focus on the good week.
The second have of the holy week for me contains finishing my taxes from 2023 for April. So next week will contain:
- marketing plan for the new month
- making content for the new month
- administration
- finances for the month that has passed and spending goals for the upcoming month
- follow up mails for client's
- not missing church
My conclusion for this fasting time would be:
Stop overexplaining. Stop venting. And tell God your cries. As I've given small hints but not explaining what my family is going through. I've done this purposely. Who needs to know will. Mostly people I work with and Family. I've learned to speak what needs to be spoken about and keep to myself what needs to be sacred. A scripture that stays with me every day.
Isaiah 60:22
A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.
Which for me it means in time God will make it happen.
Every year Easter time has some hard hits for my family.
From the passing from my grandfather, grandmother, family members having miscarriages, dealing with failures, dealing with health issues etc. I've always been afraid of going through fasting and Easter vacay because I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Which meant something bad happening. But I've learned during these struggles and hard times God carried me every time.
So now as we have another hard time. I've learned to stop venting, stop overexplaining and give my cries out to the Lord. He will answer in His way and on His time. I have to be patient and put my focus on Him.
I'll leave you with this for this fasting experience:
"Constantly learning that if I don't fill my mind with prayer.
I fill it with anxiety, worry, temptations and resentment."
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