Fear kills dreams | Day in the life RCD

“Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

Hello RCD readers,

This week was surprisingly good. I got over my infection. I got some potential client's finally making it a yes. And had two online consultations with one face to face consultation. Stay tuned how that goes.

As I was doing my finances and told a couple friends how it's going. And I answered truthfully they came up with side hustles. I'm all for a side hustle.  Mostly because I'm not used to having one income. But in my mind going through with it didn't happen.  

Side hustles
First off let's start with side hustles. I've always been thought from a young age to create an income from my talents. As a young girl and later a young adult that was easy. Administration work for school, house work for my dad and later helping assist ballet classes. As an adult this grew into a lot of freelance employers with doing the strangest project's for almost free. I think of that mostly because the second or third income will make me feel less anxious.

Ego doesn't have a vote
Now with all my odd jobs but still respectful I started thinking the potential work I could do for more income. The suggestions of my friends gave me all one negative thought. What will people think? What will people say? Will people think I'm greedy for more money or think I'm doing badly and need more money? Will this effect my business ? Will this effect the perception people have of me? And it came up!! Bitch your ego doesn't get to make life choices.

Product of my environment 
I'm used to people around me choosing certain job's, friends, settings etc. Because of a certain status. The amount they find normal to spend in a week I would not want to nor be able to spend within month's. The places people deam to find normal. Etc. I wouldn't allow myself to spent that much when I have that amount. You get used to seeing that and finding that normal. And when you don't fit in that norm than you'll get the shame of not having a certain lifestyle. So that happened. I made a negative thought of what other's around me would think or say.

I was ashamed of that negative thought mostly because years ago this would never come up in my mind. But I changed and took some bad habits with me. Which I now have to consciously unlearn. That starts with confronting myself with my own bullshit and changing the narrative. I had to really sit with why I thought that.  To figuring out how to fix the root of the problem. And that would be being my authentic self again unapologetic.

What is this negative thought stemmed out of?
The answer is fear. Fear is the main opponent of this stagnation. Because if I was brave and not fearful I would tried each suggestion. And by now one or all would have given me a yes. 

What now to do?
When I was a kid my side hustle could be anything because I didn't have any responsibilities thus for myself and all the free time.

But...Now I don't. 
 I have people to take care. I have a business to grow.  I have my selfcare to take in consideration.  I have my relationship with God to nurture on a daily. This seems and already is a full time job. So I have to be smart about my choices. Starting with what am I good at and really fast in doing.
1) That would be typing. Really simple but it's true.
2) Working with little kids because I have the patience for it.
3) *writing my blog. I really need figure how to make money with this hahaha.
4) Making content. I've had to figure this on my own that I'm starting to be really good at this.

Fear kills dreams
I can hide under a rock and name million reasons why I should not try something but that will not help me evolve.  That includes my business. Not taking chances will kill my business before it even starts. So business wise:
1) more engagement 
2) more investing 
3) more marketing events
4) fearlessly posting content 

Don't let fear hold you back. You will regret the chances you didn't take than the chances you did take and failed. A fearless woman is willing to do anything to succeed and thrive.


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