Crucify your fantasy| Day in the life RCD


Hello RCD readers

Last month I saw a YouTube clip about a woman explaining the sin in fantasizing.  It's one of my toxic traits mostly because quiet people spent most of the time in their own headspace. Likewise it's what I'm used to doing. I've been working on doing that less since this year. It's a non written goal for myself.

What do I fantasize about?
When people think fantasizing the go to is sex with people. Funny part that only happens when I'm in love or a committed relationship. I found fantasizing about people I know but have no feelings for or people that I have feelings for but never will be with them is unproductive.

I fantasize about a happy life. Which is funny I am happy but as humans we have certain expectations that aren't met yet and we dream about them. How people treat us. How we would react during certain past situation. What we would do if we had the time and money. It makes me wonder what if this happens how will it make you feel.

Fantasizing is define as indulge in daydreaming about something desired.

Emphasis on "I am happy"
Now the questions why would you dream about something you haven't achieved or had the guts to make happen? I believe for myself I use to get lost with the perception of the infamous "what if" scenarios. But this would diminish my current happiness and gratefulness of what I'm blessed with. 

Is it bad or not?

Christianity wise! Is fantasizing a sin?

My answer ;
This isn't bad up to a certain degree.  My own fantasy shows me what I'm working working towards what would increase my happiness. It gives me a purpose for the future. 

When is it bad?
Researchers believe prolonged fantasizing is a form of behavioral addiction. When is does this become unhealthy will always be an ongoing debate. 

Mostly because fantasizing has pro's and con's.
- Fantasizing builds a gap between fantasy and reality.
-  They can cause unhealthy behaviors and consequences in daily life such as inability to focus on conversations or responsibilities.
- The thruth is not every fantasy will become a reality. The realization may be painful. 
- Non achievement may also lead to disappointment, depression or suicidal tendencies. 

- reduce stress and anxiety
- helps with problem-solving and enhances creativity. 
- when it comes to setting and achieving goals, taking the time to think for pleasure has also proven beneficial.

Now the questions from my side;
1) which fantasies should I stop encouraging? It has/will become hurtful when reality hits in. Or it is not possible at all.

If I'm honest.  Relationships. In any capacity.  A friend learned me this. It's a hard lesson but it's true. You have to accept what people are willing, able and actually wanting to give you. Do not fantasize how you would wish this relationship could be!! It was a goal for myself beginning of this year. It actually was lonely and hurtful but it made me realistic about my life. "Stop watering dead plants".This may hurt in the beginning but it opens you up for other's who are willing to be what you need. I feel loved, supported, appreciated, understood , happy and so blessed in each life phase. The good and the bad. 

2) what is beneficial for my growth, mental health and all rise happiness?
I would have to say goals. It's almost like manifesting. But I visualize my next work move. I visualize my financial growth.  I visualize my spiritual growth. I visualize what makes me happy and what I want more off. I visualize goals that I'm working on. I visualize God's vision he gave me as a child every single day. I visualize my own personal growth. It keeps me focus and fills a part of my purpose.

Crucify your fantasies and stay present to your own reality


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