Start Up Blues| Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Today I would love to talk about how everything is going.

Trust in the Lord is something that I'm really working on consistently. I've learned that my relationship is the only thing that gives me strength, peace, purpose and motivation to keep on going.

The old me would freak out and almost did. But for some reason I've learned to take the hits smoothly and gracefully. If you want a certain lifestyle or have a certain dream remember that you'll have to be strong mentally. You have to make sacrifices. And do things that you aren't used to doing by becoming the person that can handle the dream you've envisioned for yourself.

The struggles of entrepreneurial lifestyle
1) The patience | Early perfect result is non existing  
You have to learn patience. And not that patience where you lazy and wait for stuff to happen. But that patience when you don't see result but keep going. I've learned a quote that explains it all. " Learn to enjoy and embrace the calmness before the storm".

Let's get real. I had this idea since my Uni days. I registered myself as a freelance architectural designer in 2016 for building permits. It took 2 whole years until I got one person who actually wanted me to draw for them. (side note: why having a job next to your dream career is mostly a must). That was one client for a whole year. I finally got a lot of people who wanted my services as my client's in 2020 and what happened Covid hit. So I stayed a freelancer. Finally in 2022 I was pushed to make the decision to launch my company and this took legit months to make it a reality. I finally was ready to have clients in April 2023 when all my legal stuff were in order. As much as I would love to get the same hype I got during my freelance years. A lot changed and I have to get used to this. I have to give my company time to grow. 

2) Delusional optimistic | many setbacks
OMG.. You have to be a little bit crazy for this. Believe in yourself so much that each setback you'll have a motivational word or quote to say to yourself and actually believe it. I've had people in which I'm the most positive when it comes to their dreams and goals. I'm overly supportive and the biggest cheerleader to friends, family and most of all strangers. Because I know how hard this can be and nobody gets it but entrepreneurs themselves.

I share. I like. I comment. I DM some kind words to people I know that have been working their asses of and staying consistent. Because You need that optimistic push a lot. So if I can be kind to even a fellow colleague. I will do so..

For myself it's been hard during May and June because my patience was gone. I was overly tired of ballet, personal and work life. That to say to myself at each setback It's going to turn out just fine was hard. But I've noticed I was just really exhausted. After the dance recital. We had a dance break for a week. I had setbacks at home that acquired unexpected expenses. I also had no energy to be consistent with my praying that week. But for some reason that Sunday drive to church and back home gave me enough clarity. I was calm the whole time and for some reason I didn't need to give myself a pep talk in which I'm saying words hoping they become my reality. My prayers are spoken as my needed outcome is already my reality. Call it confidence. Call it being delusional. I call it trusting in the Lord. 

3) Thicker skin | More No's than Yes. 
I did a boost end of June. Mostly because I needed more exposure, I wasn't engaging on social media because it took to much energy. So the best I could do is make a lot of content and schedule. So I tried a boost and no I'm not a fan of this because you get four kind of people:
- nosy people
- people who just want to be negative
- people who are not really your client group and will never actually buy nor stay watching your content or buying your services
- If God puts his sprinkle on it your clientele magically found you and you've made a sale

- don't take the no's or no response or no client too personally.
- don't expect everyone that responds to become a client
- don't expect reach to equal engagement
- don't expect engagement to equal a client

1 post boost = 7500 views = 103 engagement = 
10 responses for the prices = 8 no's = 2 maybe's

1 flyer for a show = 2360 views = 73 engagement = 67.5 % ticket sales

Moral of the story
Get thicker skin and be okay with failure, hearing no, having setbacks and most important everything going perfect.

4) Race horse focus | Consistency with no present results
In every successful business consistency is important. Almost a blindness consistency. You have to move like a race horse. Keep your eyes on the finish line no matter what. Don't buckle. Don't slow down. Don't get lazy when things go well. Don't get arrogant. Stay humble. Keep working on what is in front of you. Just keep going.

I have to be honest I started lacking. Mostly with my Facebook page and my blog website. But I've got my grove back after the dance break and I have that fire back to keep moving forward. 

It's super hard to stay consistent and be inspired. When you don't see the fast results.

5) You got the solution | Fix your problem yourself with no excuse
Get use to people being brutally vocal about what isn't working with your company or content. Get thicker skin for critique. If something is not working fix it. That's your job. If somebody has a critique change it. Be open for feedback and critique.  You have to stay creative in your content and in your services. That means always learning. Always evolving what isn't working. Always checking on social media what is really getting people's attention and  how this will work for you. 

Consistent content but low engagement
Changing the way I post my content because it wasn't working for my Instagram page. To think outside the box I started making reels and give tips in my work field. Being more social and engaging towards followers new and old plus company's in your field has become a must.

6) Team player | Not every Collab is a God sent
We need each other. In this economy and of course my overly populated chosen work field. You have to learn to collaborate. And not all collaborations can or will work out for you. But be flexible to try it first.

I've had a couple of companies which we've talked about collaborations. Some I don't fit in their field and I have nothing to offer their company. Some fit perfectly and just need that one client to see how this will go together. Some the communication is not going smoothly that even thinking about a try is a bad idea waiting to happen. Some it's not beneficial for my company at all and mostly for the other. Some have no manners and don't see me as their equal. Which for some reason it ends with:
- never hearing from the referral
- never hearing from the company owner themselves 
- getting shitty project's which the business owner doesn't actually want to do
- getting project's that are unethical 
- getting project's that want me to work for free
- getting project's with people who just never responds.
- the business owner talking down to me like I work for them in which the collaboration just ends.

7) Broke Ass | No profit first year
You'll have weeks or months when business will be slow. So you'll have to create a buffer. This is something very hard in the beginning and mostly first year your business will not make a profit at all. 

8) Stay Humble | Always somebody better
Get use to not being the best. You will never be. Just focus on your progress and what you need to evolve. Never compare and never start getting in competition with fellow competitor. That is a waste of time. You are unique in your own way and always remember that part too. Somebody will always be better but make sure nobody outworks you. 

9) Not alone | Lonely journey
If you choose to have a limited company or partnership you'll have one or two people to work with. But the end of the day you guys are alone and get used to it. Nobody is going to fix shit. So put your big boys or girls pants on and starts brainstorming for solutions during your downfalls. 

Of course fixing problems or setback may require external help but coming up with solutions or knowing who to ask for help is all on you. 

10) Embrace setbacks | Dust yourself off and start again
You have setbacks. But you have to figure out how to dust yourself of and come up with solutions. That's why selfcare is important. You'll need to be the healthy, mentally stable and strong. That will be a lot of self work but it's needed or else you have a lot of burn outs. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your lessons learned from running your own company. I agree, in Suriname, it is quite difficult to run a business seeing the many economic challenges we face each day. But if it's one thing we can learn from you, it's perseverance and being strong-willed to go after your dreams. Thanks for what you do and sharing it with us. You are an inspiration!


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