You are capable | Day in the life RCD
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If you weren't ready God would not have presented this to you. So remember you are more than capable. You got this. You know what to do just start listening to your inner voice |
Hello RCD readers,
How is everyone doing? I haven't posted in a couple of days and haven't shared my content to fiercely like I used too in the beginning of this year.
So today I would love to talk about the struggles of being an entrepreneur. Mostly because I feel this can be a learning experience for the most.
Negative self talk
I haven't had a lot of yes as I would like these couple of months. I've tried discounts and got one active client and for my 3D services discount I haven't gotten any yet. Now first thing I did was talk negatively about my work and how people see my company. I even thought I couldn't compete with other's their 3D visualization ability. And when father's day came up. My discount was the same because a couple RCD readers answered the polls and choose 3D model for a discount. None that voted used this discount. I can complain and say why did I choose this discount when mothers day 3D services discount was a bust. But I tried it anyway with the thought it would not be successful. And what happened it is not successful. I do believe it was my own negative thinking that almost ruined this. I still believe I will get a client from this. So I will share more frequently with the knowing it will succeed.
Collaboration = good idea or not
Now these weeks work that brings up money has been scarce. But potential collaboration offers have been a few. This made me feel like the ball is finally rolling.
- The first was collaboration (*in a sense I will not be the only one they will be collaborating with them so I'm not going to feel like I have to much pressure) is more a technical service I can provide to client's now. It also was almost a full circle moment because I always want to create a company with every need that is met during preparing, designing and building phase. So for God to show me where I can turn to when this is needed feels like everything is going. Only thing needed are the clients.
- The second collaboration is a fellow colleague who has the same kind of business. He was looking for a partner and we discussed via phone what was possible. Were I was lacking he could provide. And I'm actually thinking he doesn't need my services at all. So we also talked about building permits and I'll talk about that later.
- The third collaboration is a person I've actually never met but we know the same crowd. His maybe proposal would've been end of April. But his ability to be flexible with the talking medium has been hard. So I don't know what he actually wants yet. But I'll make work of it to figure it out this month.
- The fourth collaboration is a lot out of my comfort zone. I was so nervous but excited to work with her. My input would've been business aspect. We had a meeting/class reunion. The conversation went to brain storming session for an entirely new idea in which I had no idea where I would fit in. It ended on a potential girls date which I hope is forgotten cause my ass spent too much this month.
- The fifth collaboration is preloved online store via instagram that I decided to make with a sibling. It was fun in the beginning because ofcourse you want your siblings to succeed and make a lot of money. I made the page. I made the pictures and content. She needs to take the clothes and share on her socials. So she would do the selling. I put her in two Whatsapp groups. But as a businesswoman she needs to learn consistency in her projects.
Taken seriously as a businesswoman
This is something I'm struggling with mostly because I'm an humble woman and I have to learn myself some new skills to succeed or I'm yet to find my people still.
- ASKING PRICE | Not being scared to have a certain asking price
I have this with clients that have said no. I've been really anxious to ask my normal price for the thought of losing a client or a deal. But when I had this with collabs in which somebody wanted me to give 3D designs for free or cheap as possible. Just for the hope that their business idea could potentially be successful. I woke my ass up. And my response was flight instead of addressing the issue of paying me for my work and time (while thinking what my worth is). I changed my response the second time when I was asked for almost nothing. And that was "I will think this over and respond back to you." I choose to talk about this with my support system and I choose the right response after overstressing about work.
My response :
1) an acceptable agreement for my services that protects both of us
2) making sure I let my engineer take a look
3) not being afraid to give my normal asking price
4) not committing to future projects but have a trial and error phase to see if this is the right fit
5) making sure to acknowledge that if the project takes longer cost will be added
6) staying professional while writing this
The person has yet to respond but you have to learn what is for you will always be for you. So don't be scared to be vocal about your needs.
- SAY NO | saying yes to everything to just be polite
I have to learn to be more vocal what does not fit my ethics. And I have to make decisions after giving myself time to process the conversation or business meetings. I've done that with one collaboration but now I have to do this with every collab. Making decisions as a business owner not as a freelancer anymore.
- YOUR BUSINESS COMES FIRST | being vocal about what fits with your business
My business dream has reached a peek and I have to dream again what I want this to look like. And that took a little work. You see this may look like all of the sudden( my architecture firm) but actions that lead up to this was since 2012 when I choose an internship because I wanted work experience for this future. So now that I'm here I have be vocal to what can hinder the growth. And this mindset takes time.
- PROFESSIONAL | stay professional
I always bring myself in meetings. I'm honest and transparent. That's how I do business. I want you to know me. If we vibe than we vibe. And if we don't, we don't. But I have set of rules that I follow for myself to be professional. That includes what I wear and how I adress people.
I have chosen to let certain things go so that I can focus on growing my business. Now other event's have factored into this but overall I actually need to focus on what it can be first. I can't talk about it because I feel only people that understand me are other business owners. Which is mostly why I talk to my "competition" frequently. Because we are all in the same boat. Now I don't see them as competition we offer different services and experience because all of us bring ourselves into the mix.
Don't take advice from people who haven't been through what you've been through
This is a doozy. Being the youngest my go to is asking for advice. What I've been learning these past months that only person I need to ask for advice and listen to is God. God's voice should be louder than anybody else in my life.
First thing that I'm trying to learn is not asking so much for advice. This is a habit that I'm still working on unlearning.
Second thing is that not every advice you should actually listen to. Or most important not at all. I've had experiences work wise were I've gotten advice from family member's. The advice was not helping. I didn't agree but still used the advice and ofcourse it failed. Because they don't know either. They have no clue because it's your journey not theirs.
Third thing people project their capability on to you. If they know they would not make money with your situation than their advice will be "give up or go work for somebody or pick the job cause you need the money". This is hard because it a person you look up to and still will after this. Truly accept people as they are and don't project your idea of them onto them too.
I hope you learned a little from my struggles.
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