The importance of content | Day in the life RCD
Welcome to June
I started my first blog post with something very particular and that would be a personal lesson. Being kind instead of being nice. I know most won't get it. But being not misunderstood by everyone is normal.
Today I was thinking about content creating and how it influences your brand.
I started making content a long time ago since 2016 when I started this blog on Facebook with the intension of turning this into an architecture firm.
I choose to use my journey as content for my business. This has different purposes:
- letting people know what I'm capable off
- inspiring others by being open to my falls
- online evidence if somebody ever says I've been making big bucks since 2016
- getting clients
- fans so that they share my content to other potential clients
Now why did I choose this as a blog. I couldn't share like flyers with offering my work when I was still trying to get work experience. I also couldn't start a business because I wasn't allowed to be licensed architect yet. But I could use this platform to share my work and get my name out there before I opened my business. And this kind of worked.
Of course I'm still really too humble and quiet in person. Which means other companies in my work field have more followers, likes and engagement than me in fewer years for them. Most because they have worked for popular architects or they have been in JCI or BNI etc. Or they have worked for big companies which people know them already. Or they are more social than me and have a lot of mouth to mouth marketing. Or the paid for Facebook ads. Some have the resources from rich backgrounds and that means certain things go a little easier. Some just better with the content creating.
Not discouraging myself
I still post every single week on Instagram. I choose a content calendar. This has weekly single post, carasols and reels. With quotes, promotion, blog post, notifications, day in the life reels etc. I try to keep it entertaining and I'm doing well. I change what isn't working and I come up with new aspects for the same concept. So do I make the comparing discourage me hell no. People successes and growth is good but has nothing to do with my growth. And reminding myself that I only need to focus on my grass and my relationship with God to keep my growth going.
What kind of content is there?
I have been trying different strategies.
Three times a week a single post quote
Years ago I tried for a ballet school to promote the show by posting three times a week a Disney post because the show was about Disney princesses. This got a lot of people watching. I didn't do this year. Mostly because I'm focusing on what I need to do instead of other's responsibility and what they are capable of doing by themselves.
Monday inspirational quote and important notification for national days
I tried this for survey page. This was really creative. Just choosing a person that was born that month and finding four or five different quotes they said in public. The purpose was to create followers and it helped with reach. It would be more growing if the informative side was used more and the owner posted more information about what they were able to provide to their clients. But in an simple informative clip. A few were made and posted on YouTube that were very informative.
Only post when notification
This is for an Instagram page. A simple post only when something is sold or for sale that is all that is needed. The content is straight forward and mostly simple canva single posts of items.
Three times a week posting your product
This is for both Instagram and Facebook. A simple text with the showing of your product with your brand and most of all no prices just contact information is the way to create exposure because that is the ultimate goal.
The over-doer of course.
- Monday Quote of the week single post
- Tuesday and Thursday single post blog link
- Wednesday Carasol tip of the week
- Friday Carasol or single post promotion
- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or Monday, Wednesday and Friday Day in the life reels
I don't mind writing this because I know how much work this is and I know not a lot of people can keep it up. Plus my strategy to make this happen is my little secret.
What is more important?
Reach or engagement or the clients.
For me the reach. The new viewers or unique viewers. The engagement is more for my ego but it never resulted into more clients. What gave me more clients is the reach of new people seeing my page and sending me a message. So I stopped looking at engagement or number of followers. Because I know what's important. The person that contacts me.
So creating content is important but never worry to much about the engagement, reach or followers or likes. Worry and focus on the people actually becoming your clients.
You have different kind of content possibilities
You have motivational where you choose quotes, informative where you show what your knowledge is, laughter where you just make people laugh about your work field and last is behind the scenes where you share your work. I choose a mix of everything. But I've noticed one is enough and get the job done too.
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