Share or Not Share | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Yesterday a friend had an interested point of view. Should you share your life on social media? 

Let's start with the safety aspect of it all.

Here are some reasons why sharing on social media is a bad idea?
1. The stalkers
Creating content that can attract anybody including people you don't know. I've had my share of people finding out my home location and thinking is normal to drive by without me knowing them like that yet. In the rest of the world people go on another level. But the worst I've experienced is people driving by my house which I never told yet where I lived. So that's creepy. Or that a grown ass man would stay in the bus until everyone got off the bus to figure out where I would get off. And that walk to your house with no neighbor's at home because everyone is at work.  I've experienced that creepiness' of somebody following me physically. I get that aspect.

2. Protecting privacy
Being in the public eye you go through tough moments with everyone watching, which can be quite challenging. When you share your high's that means when you hit low everyone knows. That means everyone will have an opinion about it. And when you're dealing with something it's harder when you are being scrutinize, judged or even laughed at during that stage of your life by people who don't love you at all.

I'm really private for the time the scar is fresh and still painful. After that moment I share because that's how I let shit go. I vent. 

3. Living in the moment
Another reason people keep their life private is that they  prefer to be in the present moment and appreciate it fully. It can be quite disrespectful to the people you choose to spend your time with, to be on your phone constantly, or to film everything you do. You lose out on those spontaneous moments and a deeper connection. The moment gets lost in your trying to portray your life a certain way.

I get this part too because I know when I'm so happy that I want to capture the moment with video's and pictures. I think I have that from my uncle. But it sometimes gets in the way of enjoying the moment. So you need a balance. Because those pictures and video's bring me so much joy. I can take a look and go back to that moment. And most of all how I felt that moment. These moments will pass. And the photos will be all that you'll have after awhile when you are still on this earth.

You can actually forgive somebody by just taking a look at the pictures or video's of your loved ones.

4. Safety for identity theft
Now this is annoying as hell. This is the part I agree fully. People taking other's pictures and posting random shit or scamming people with it. That's annoying and scary.

5. Safety for burglars
This I can get too. Sharing your appliances or inside of house makes unwanted people think it's a great idea to come and rob your ass. This I do actually think twice about and second guess a million times before posting something I bought. I think that the safety issue I got from my father. Keep your property and family safe is number one priority. But I have to face it. I low key am too down to earth. I don't have a lot people would want to steal. But I still make sure what I do share and where I share that.

6. Don't share kids
I have changed my mind so many times. I don't share to strangers my students almost never. I choose WhatsApp but only to people I work with and family. Meaning no outside people. Adults are a different story. For example: I have a strict rule of how much I want share my nieces and nephews on my pages. I have a YouTube clip that I can made since last year but because my niece is in it I feel uncomfortable to share this.

7. Takru Mofo
This is a Surinam thing. People don't share because they don't know if their partner is faithful and will not make a fool out of themselves. People don't share their happiness because lonely jealous people are waiting for your relationship to fail. Sometimes people in relationship get more attention because they are in a relationship. And I can speak from experience. People laugh at each other when relationship breaks up. Or make fun when a relationship is growing.

Now business growth or your personal amazing experience. People get jealous of others because they are able to have that and not them. And they can wish you bad things. People will go so far that they use some spiritual stuff to make sure you fail. Just because they see you growing.

To share or not to share — that is the question?

I think just do what is best for you. If you like sharing, don't stop because of negative people but remember to have thicker is skin for others weird and dumb comments or wishes. If you are private person, don't start just because it's a trend people do.


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