Woman of faith | Day in the life RCD
Hello RCD readers,
I saw an Instagram post that spoke to me and it really defines my relationship with God.
I'll try to explain the post the best as I can.
"Isaiah said worship works like a coat. When you wear a coat and go outside in the cold. The weather doesn't change. But you are equipped to withstand the weather. Worship is the way you clothe yourself for a discouraging world. Worship is the change to your focus. It's you putting Jesus where He belongs in your life. "
This really puts into perspective what I feel daily. Not a perfect day but a grateful day. Not easy breezy project but the endurance and intelligence to handle that.
My faith
God's presence in my life gives me strength. His presence gives me a purposeful life. I feel loved, saved and protected daily. I feel like I'm good either way because he'll protect me no matter what. It's like a father protecting his child during war. Sometimes you'll like his choices and sometimes you won't. But every time you'll know that He is doing it for your best interest. It can be for your growth. It can be for your protection. It can be for your happiness. No matter what it is. It's what you need in life at that moment for the rest of your journey on this earth. Remember that. He also removes you from negative environments and people. He also puts you in scenarios where you learn and grown as a person. He also checks if you have learned the lesson you needed to learn.
His influence towards other's
A friend had started her journey after me also to go to church more frequently. A friend is understanding God's words more during church. A friend has listened to his calling and is doing something he should've done years ago. I guess that I was right when I said 2022 would be his year to shine.
Patience and consistency
Worshipping God is teaching me patience and has maximized my inner voice. I'm slowly learning to listen to myself more. And making choices with not asking too many people that don't know the answer. I'm learning to put my trust in God's guidance.
When you wait for your blessings while working on yourself and don't focus on other people around you, you'll notice yourself grow. My blessings came because I was consistent with my prayer and my relationship with God. I feel so at peace. I feel so strong. I can see people their nonsense from the distance and I feel so unbothered. I don't wish anybody anything bad that showed their true colors. I have no resentment. Because I have peace and my hands are clean.
Blessed interaction
Last week began with a day that would've been celebrated differently but that's life. God shows you what is necessary for you to grow. So I began the week with encouraging words from a long time friend and I felt amazing. You see God gives you what you need at the moment and you have to be open and ready to receive his blessings. His words were kind, needed and so sweet. They made my day.
For my support system. I love you guys. You never let me fall.
I had a productive and peaceful week. You feel so different when you get to know yourself better. When you don't wait but you just keep doing. It feels amazing to be living a part of your purpose in life.
Have a blessed week. May you live your purpose daily. Stay blessed
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