Uplifting | Day in the life RCD
Hello RCD readers,
Your surroundings are important
Surround yourself with people that support and uplift you. For any success in life you need to be surrounded by people who make you feel inspired, supported and uplifted. Stop giving energy and your quality time or attention towards people that don't make the same effort in your life. People that don't let you be yourself. People that don't support you. People that are self involved. Stop wasting your time on them. Protect your energy.
The two most important things where celebrated for myself
First I finally posted my new title "Architect". I waited more than a month to write this on Facebook as a life event because I was so shy about it. Which I found really funny and kind of unnecessary. I should yell it to the rooftop "you did it. you accomplished what you've wanted as a little girl". The next season to my journey has just begun. But I couldn't. I felt like crawling in a hole. I told my family the moment I actually had the papers in my hand. I shared it with good friends. In which one kind of really disappointed me. But I finally wrote it in this blog and some read right through the statement. And I had to point it out to them what it meant. But when I posted it as my Facebook life event statement on my personal page that made people respond. Which was not the point. It doesn't give people notifications, so I awkwardly blushing from all the congrats.
Now with the congrats I got:
I got back handed compliments and I got heartwarming congrats. So I would say sharing your milestones is not bad. You don't have to be private about everything in your life and you also don't have hide your accomplishments. Wear them proud and take the negative and positive with this. Meaning enjoy the people who have seen your hard work and are proud for your accomplishments. And take it with a pinch of salt the response of people their back handed compliments or silent jealousy like you got this shit for free.
Both should not define who you are and how you act further in your life.
Second I celebrated my 15 year anniversary of being a dance teacher. It was weird. It was on March 8th and I couldn't come up with content to celebrate it on social media. I didn't want to post clips of dances I made or clips I made while I was teaching. And I honestly I can't say why. I was kind of quiet about the whole thing.
I always think back when I have an important anniversary. And I think about everything I've learned and all the things that I've mastered. But this time I just wrote a long text and made a clip of video's I found on Instagram. And that's it.
And the response was .... No happy anniversary. No congrats. No it's a big deal from friends or dance colleagues. But who sent their love were absolute strangers. Of course my siblings and mother plus some really close friends did sent an congrats to me. But people I call friends and see or talk to frequently didn't.
It shows you life. You never know what the response will be and you definitely don't know how you will perceive the accomplishment or people's reactions. So not the accomplishment nor the response should define who you become and how you will act. Just be you. Good or bad. It doesn't matter. Know who you are.
Strangers can sometimes be better friends
Sometimes we can have deep routed meaningful conversations with people that we'll never see again. Sometimes we can uplift strangers with kind words. Or show support to a stranger growing in life. But when it's a person close like a family member we forget the simple congrats. The simple you got this speech. The simple sharing content to everyone so that you can be supportive. The simple I'm proud of you speech. We as humans overall are sometimes guilty of this.
And it's not an unnecessary approval to hear from the people you love saying congrats. It's just a warm feeling that you receive because the people who know you from birth or sometimes childhood friends are the ones you expect to support, uplift and be loyal towards you. But that is not always reality. The bible is teaching me this. Sometimes the place you were born is where you see the most haters.. Hahahah...
Third. I finally finished my registration at the building department as an architect. Tomorrow I need to register for my taxes. In which I always wanted to do this with somebody because I was scared. But God shows you how strong you can be and let's you know that you can do anything. And tomorrow I have a date with friends.
Ain't it funny
The funny thing about this is I'm learning a lot about what I need from people I give my time towards and I stopped pouring myself towards empty cups.
I end this blog with. The people who uplift me when I need that. The people who help me when I need a friend. The people who will actually let me be me. The people who actually say " if you need me. I have your back". Thank you for being you.
Uplift each other. Support small businesses and big businesses. Ask people how they are they doing. Give that I got you if you need my help. Be a loyal person that you expect from other's. And let go of anybody who show you a glimpse hate, jealous and most important disrespect. You deserve people around you that support and uplift you on a daily.
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