Safe Inside | RCD Article

Hello RCD readers,
Welcome to our voted themed OG RCD article post. This is maybe a four or five blog post. In this article you’ll have a really short intro of the four levels of security
     -           The definition
-           Inexpensive safety tips
-           Alarm systems
-           Camera systems

Level 1: Perimeter Protection Security System (FENCE)
Level 2: Middle Area Protection Security System (YARD)
Level 3: Inner Perimeter Protection Security System (WALLS)
Level 4: Internal Security System (INSIDE HOUSE)

Internal Security System is the forth level. This level of security specifies only the inside of the house itself. We are talking about tips that you as home owner can do to protect you from burglars if they’re inside your house.

Inexpensive safety tips:

Don’t label your personal keys or hide spares outside
If your keys are labeled and get lost or stolen you could be in big trouble, especially if your wallet with your ID and address are with them. 
And thieves know to look under mats and in the gravel for fake rocks to find hidden keys, so instead leave a spare with a trusted neighbor. 

Put timers on lights
Select a few rooms in your house to remain lit to reduce the chances that any thief casing the neighborhood will notice that you’ve been gone. 
You can very inexpensive ones which normal batteries are used instead of electricity 

Leave a radio on 
A battery-operated radio is a practical, cheap way to make it sound like someone is around.

Don’t advertise your trip
It’s pretty common for people to post all about their upcoming trip on social media, but avoid the urge. The more people who know your house will be empty, the more you open yourself up to the possibility of a break-in.
Similarly, don’t leave a message on your landline answering machine that you’re out of town

Marking your expensive belongings
The clearly visible security coding which uses your Postcode and the house number or first two letters of your house name makes the item identifiable and traceable.
This marking is then made permanent by coating the markings with specially formulated protective lacquer.
This will mark lawnmowers, drills, sanders, chainsaws, power washers, strimmer's, garden furniture, hand tools and much more.

Safety tips:

Keep all indoor doors locked at all times.
Thieves know how to spot weak locks that would be easily forced open. 
Make sure exterior doors have deadbolt locks.
Sliding doors should have vertical bolts and a metal or wooden rod in the track to prevent being forced open or doors being lifted off the track. 

Change the locks
If you’re a renter, ask the landlord to change them if it wasn’t already done.
If your home is under construction for a long period of time without you living there, make sure to change to change the locks

Secure valuables in a home safer or lock box
If it is small and not mounted, consider having your safe bolted to the floor since many burglars will simply take it with them. 

Alarm systems

Placing motion sensors
Use the corners of your rooms. Placing your motion sensor in a corner with a view of each entry point is one of the most effective placements for it. 
Place them in the hall ways and in front of every entering doors.

Placing vibration sensors
Use vibration sensors in rooms or closets where expensive appliances are placed. 

Place in every story of your house.
Place on your balcony (no matter which story of your house it is)
Place in your basement 
Place in your attic

Camera systems

Placing indoor cameras:
Make use of your walls 
Make use of your columns 
Keep the cameras high
Make use of corners

Good camera placement:
Where you place your camera depends on what type of camera it is. Cameras with a focus range of around 45 to 75 degrees should be aimed on specific areas, such as a doorway or a garage door.
If you have a wide angle camera place your camera where it can see 75 to 180 degrees without obstruction. 
If your camera rotates check with your manufacturer to check how much unobstructed viewing area the camera needs. 

Clear sight of the front door, garage door and back door.
Clear sight of the windows including bathroom and balcony in every story.
Clear sight of the stairways
Make the use night vision possible
Also place in your basement and your attic.

RC Designs Articles: Safe House Part 3, April 26th 2017



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