Peace of mind | Day in the life RCD
Hello RCD readers,
This is a spontaneous bonus blog post. I haven't written a lot of day in the life recently because I wasn't really up to sharing these past month's. I opted out on Day in the life for RCD articles. But today as I've been weirdly not polite because people testing my boundaries. I feel at peace.
For those who follow me on Facebook or get my link via my Whatsapp or Linked In. You've not seen my 40 Days blog posts on this website. I've been busy so I haven't written consistently as I would've but I feel like my 40 days are doing what they should. They are testing me. In every corner I'm been tested on my nourished healed faith and if I can practice what I preach to myself.
And it has been hard. I've failed. I've learned. I've forgiven. I've restrained. I've repented. I've let go what doesn't serve me anymore without resenting people or being mean towards them. And I've stayed consistent with my promise to myself learning more about Jesus.
God is teaching me what I need every single day.
You see I'm embracing the silence in this phase of my life. I'm embracing the forgiveness in this phase. I'm embracing the self awareness of constant fighting to hold on to my principles as a Christian woman. I'm embracing that self love, self awareness , self control and self assurance that I had as a child. I'm embracing the child I use to be. I want a peace of her back. The real ME. You see society can really burn down your flame in you if you let it to fit in. The little girl who believed that Jesus Loves her and that everything happens for a reason. I need a part of her faith back. I need that little girl back.
Child in me
I use to stand up for what was wrong and not give a damn what people said. I used to be okay not being welcomed because their opinion was not worth my peace. I used to enjoy making a fool out myself before society gave me so many insecurities. And I let them. I use to forgive more. I use to give real second chances. From being teen to an adult. Society puts pressure on you what they think your life should be. And you have to be really strong as an adult to create your own journey. It's a constant reassurance to yourself that what you've lost is nothing compared to who you've had to become for other's inconvenience.
Kind to everyone but don't be a follower
We as humans need to be more kinder towards each other. Meaning I don't resent people who were raised with the inability to be polite or keep certain morals. Don't follow the bad behaviour. Don't distance yourself from friends with bad background. But keep your standards as they are and let them respect that. That one is hard. It's hard to keep a friendship like this. A friendship in which you don't think that you are going to fix that person or show the person God. But you are just a friend to them. Reading my bible is learning me how to do this. Be a friend but remember you aren't their saviour. Put your ego aside and humble yourself enough to be the person your friend needs. Being a friend means excepting them as they are. Helping where you can. Show them the kindness they need and leave the rest up to their process. Not everyone is healing. Not everyone is ready for God's love. And you just simplifying your intentions with just being kind, helpful and just a good friend.
Non Christian friends
Now I'm not saying being okay with people disrespecting you because their inability to treat you well. NOO.. Having friends that don't know who God is and how he can fuel you through His love. It's sad but the disrespectful laugh when I've explained a simple going to church or reading my bible. That's on another level. The moment a person is unable to be consistent in how they treat you as a friend that is the moment the friendship ends. With kindness in my heart and a wish well for the future, I give the same amount of inconsistency back.
The new week
I'm hopeful for the new week. I'm working on my first real YES for a client. And I'm hopeful. I'm excited to share this process. I'm nervous but hopeful for the outcome. And it's like a fuel that I needed to believe in my business.
Last week I saw a woman she is not a friend. Let's just point that out. She never was kind towards me. And never treated me with respect. I have to be real when I say I could never give her a chance. Because as a woman I couldn't respect her taking another woman's man. And never thought I had to do much in getting to know her because I felt she was just a phase. Seeing her made me feel like life or God not sure which at this point can really humble you. You know that bible scripture " He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
Both of us not giving each other a second chance after first meeting. Both of us being single now without the people who we thought would be with us for life. She became a stranger very easily. She represent a whole life that is unfamiliar for me now.
As I end this blog post with this lesson God is teaching me.
" You can change yourself as many times as you want to. You can read my scriptures every day. You can pray every day. You can do everything right that you need to heal and come closer to Me. But unless you practice what you preach. Unless you start not only listening but also applying what you've read. You will not be any step closer than the first time you decided to open your bible to get to know Me. Your life will change when you stop allowing certain things and embracing the result of discomfort for doing the right thing in your life. You will be continuously tested until you've learned your lesson."
Have a blessed sunday
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