Top 12 Designing tips | RCD Article
Hello RCD readers,
This blog post we’ll give you some hidden gems for the designing phase.
We’ll talk about our 12 designing tips for client’s.
What are the 12 tips are about?
1. How & Where can the inspiration be found?
2. What is the purpose of finding inspiration?
3. What is the right usage of inspiration?
4. How to get more knowledge about layout dimension?
5. How to read layout dimensions?
6. What is the reality of the dimensions in the layout?
7. What is important to know when talking about the client’s budget?
8. What is important to know when talking about the design budget?
9. What is important to know when talking about the building budget?
10. Why is designing a process?
11. How does your daily activities look like?
12. How does the design make you feel?
Tip 1: how & where ?
• Bouw- en Woonbeurs
• Website/ Facebook pages of construction companies and drawing offices
• The good and old google search
• Surgoed magazine
• Architecture Facebook pages
• RC Designs articles
Tip 2: purpose?
• Everything you’ve found should be used as a base for your own design and NOT as a copy of the original. That is also the RIGHT PURPOSE of design inspiration.
Tip 3: usage?
Before using your chosen inspiration, always make sure to ask yourself the 5 basic questions.
Tip 4: no knowledge?
• Make use of free advice at bouw-en woonbeurs or other building activities.
• Ask about the min.&max. width, length, depth and height of spaces.
Tip 5A: reading layouts?
• Always ask the architectural draftsman for 1 to 100 scale drawings. Remember 1cm equals 1m.
• Its essential to convert mm to m every time.
• It helps to draw it out again for yourself. *Use millimeter paper.
Tip 5B: reading layouts?
• Don’t forget the furniture when checking if you find the room spaces acceptable.
• Don’t forget to keep the doorway size and the needed space for entirely open doors in mind when checking if you find the door spaces acceptable
• Use the converting to check the rooms sizes & windows sizes
Tip 6: reality of dimension?
• Use a tape measurement for the visualization of room sizes.
• Measure the size of spaces from your current living area to get an idea of what you find expectable.
• Don’t forget the furniture inside every room when visualizing the dimensions of room spaces.
Tip 7a: client’s BUDGET?
• Make a detailed income plan (monthly)
• Make a detailed expenses plan (monthly)
• Make a detailed savings plan (monthly)
• Check all your loan sources
Tip 7b: client’s BUDGET?
• Keep in mind an estimate of $400/m2 for building phase. This is an estimate, can become higher or lower.
• Keep unexpected incidents in mind when choosing your realistic budget.
Tip 8: Design BUDGET?
• Don’t cheap out on asking for a detailed budget from your architect.
Tip 9: building?
Client’s budget= Design budget= Building budget= Reality
Keep the following in mind when thinking about building:
• Building material budget
• Labor budget
• Transport budget
• Installation budget
• Interior budget (furniture)
Tip 10a: process?
Don’t underestimate that designing is a entire process and this takes time.
Tip 10b: Preliminary design process?
• First interview
• Preliminary program requirements
• Sketching phase (Floor plan & Facades)
• Feasibility study
• Consultation
• Preliminary design process
Tip 11: ask yourself?
How does your daily activities look like?
A house design can become your own if you think about the functionality of each room and how it fits with your day to day life.
Tip 12: ask yourself?
How does the design make you feel?
When busy designing the layout make sure to think about how it makes you feel. The visualization of the whole design helps you see the flaws what doesn’t work for you.
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