Goodbye 2022 | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Welcome to 2023

Before stepping into a new phase of my life personally and professionally I'm wishing everyone a blessed year. May we all achieve our goals. May we all be healthy this year. May we all feel the joy of peace. May the wheels be turning in the right direction this year. May we all have growth financially, mentally, spiritually and physically. And last may we all feel the love of God's grace in our life.

The day that I thought about this blogpost I couldn't figure out what I did last year. 2022 felt so unreal for me. The year began with us in the third year of Covid pandemic. 

Passive in work
I was really passive in my work area. More because I had to go through a lot of changes in 2022 personally and professionally. Nothing was constant. Nothing was promised. Nothing was a sure thing. And I had to make permanent decisions with situations that were seasonal. So almost the whole year I felt like my career was going to end and I nobody got what I was going through. We as architectural designers had no control over the decisions the government made that directly influenced our income. This whole process was frustrating for about almost 9 month's of 2022 that I can say the new rules & regulations from the government tried to break small business owners and like me aspiring business owners. (back then)

Building Permit
This year was all about finishing ongoing freelance projects of 2021 and one of 2019. The year started with delivering technical drawings for building permits from three different freelance employers of mine. January till September it was all about correcting , getting important documents in order to changing an entire design for a freelance employer just because they didn't want get the their documents in order for commercial design. I finally got the last building permit in September for the freelance project of 2019. I felt ecstatic because it was done. The process was long and frustrating for different reasons, but I'm so happy my freelance employers were patient and most government employees were very kind during this process.

Lesson learned
The building process for commercial design projects were such a hassle that I decided in August to only do building permits for residential and multi family housing. I will only let myself be hired for commercial as an architectural drafter for architecture firms instead of going through the hassle and headache of getting documents in order for building permits. I also decided that Commercial will only get interior and exterior services from me and no building permit anymore.

Girls just want to have fun
The most fun project this year was an interior design project on a budget and entirely pro-bono from my side. I redesigned my goddaughter big girl bedroom. I cleaned it up. I came up with a design. I reorganized and redesigned the room. She was super Happy about it including my big sister.

No inspiration
This year inspiration for YouTube content was fictional. I had none. Mostly because I felt really lost when it came to my vision for my company. And honestly I didn't know if it made any sense at all to keep making YouTube content. Mostly because promoting YouTube content in other social media outlets is really hard. The algorithm makes sure that people don't see the post. Even when you follow the pages, you mostly don't get a notification. Because they want you to pay. So it hits me hard because this takes a lot of work making Video content and for people to not being able to notice when it's posted is really annoying. I only had inspiration for five video's this year. 

Click link below to watch!!

Last YouTube video was May 18th 2022. Right during the shit hitting the fan personally and professionally.  If you are persistent reader of my blog you've already read how May to September went. 

Choosing myself
I decided that I had to make architectural studio a reality after years of misses. So by October I was in full force with getting everything in order for my online services. The last step was opening an business bank account. * hint: the bank still hasn't given me a business bank account. December I used as an introduction month for RC Designs Architectural Studio N.V. And it really worked.  People loved the content and are excited to get more content.

Let's get personal
I've learned a lot of lessons. God thought me life lessons that I needed to learn. From knowing my worth and firmly sticking with my values as a Christian woman. To learning to self love, self care and be more independent. And most important the drive that I needed to stop waiting and start doing it for myself.

We all lost a lot last year but gained also. 

I became single after a nine year relationship. That was most of my 20's growth period of my life. I had to relearn myself after years in a relationship to be independent again because you can't count on another person anymore. Also learning to vent to myself about mental struggles and personal stress was a new one for me. I had to relearn driving to places that I normally found unsafe because I didn't want to bother my friends. I had to become more independent. BUT I LEARNED TO CHOOSE WISELY.

My ballet teacher's father died of cancer in November of 2022. My parents both went through health problems in the month April to July.  And again in October. Thankfully both healed. But this  made also an dependence shift plus financial shift in my life. I've heard of miracles and witnessed some. Family members on their death bed being blessed with more time with us. People going through struggles and 1 day make enormous difference for them. It was beautiful to see that. I have an amazing support system.

I stopped with saying yes to every freelance project's and starting asking what I was worth. I've also learned to do what makes me happy and not worry so much about other's opinion anymore. In a way that emotionally, spiritually and physically doesn't fit me anymore. Letting go of the people pleaser ME. I've rekindled old friendships and gave them a place in my life. I'm so blessed for the people around me that always are a call away.

These notification are about our content for 2023. 
From what you can expect in our bookclub and content of this blog & YouTube Channel


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