Energy, Joy & Calm | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

I'm forever learning and trying to evolve. These last month for 2022 I have a couple of things om my to do list. One of the most important is selfcare and selflove.  

Selfcare is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, mental health in particular during periods of stress.

Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

A lot of people have mistaken this for being selfish. You can't give from an empty cup. And that means you'll have to fill your own cup first before even thinking about others. 
*I'm not talking about selfish people who never thought about anybody else in their life but themselves.

I followed an free online course about habits for introverts to find energy, joy and calm. Because it was something I told the speaker that I was struggling with. "calming down my mind and finding energy for day to day tasks.

This course was very insightful. 
It talks about three habits that you need to learn to create "energy, joy & calm" in your life. I'm not sure if this would help for everyone but I've taken some important points that will help me.

1) Boundaries
This is the most important thing that I'm working on. If someone oversteps your comfort zone than remember it's your responsibility to draw that line. That line of what you'll accept and what you'll wont accept. Only boundary I ever set was "if somebody call you the same day or late at night to join a party or any kind of engagement, that means you were not apart of the original plan. Always kindly decline.".

Healthy boundaries are necessary components for self-care. Without boundaries, we feel depleted, taken advantage of, taken for granted, or intruded upon. Here are some boundaries that may help you if you are struggling with this:
  1. Ownership and agency over your financial assets. 
  2. The ability to stay true to your sense of self, spiritual beliefs, and passions.
  3. Ability to prioritize personal time for self-care. "Saying no when you want to do something for yourself"
  4. The right to change your mind and preferences. "You are not obligated to do everything that you said yes to. You are allowed to change your mind and you have to be kind to yourself when doing so."
  5. Alone time with no distractions or interruptions.
Simple said. Right down for yourself what you are okay with and what makes you feel uncomfortable, irritated, used, insulted etc. Any experience that gives you a negative feeling. Make that know and if nothing changed remove yourself.

How will I be working on my boundaries?
  • Writing down how my relationships function. 
  • How does each functionality make me feel? Happy, motivated, sad, drained, triggered, rejoiced, inspired?
  • What needs to change? What needs to happen more? Who needs to be removed? 
  • How can I set these boundaries? For me it's not accepting certain behaviors anymore. Or making know that I don't like that. Or most important letting know or saying the word "no" more. Less explaining yourself and more consequences for peoples actions that you'll wont accept anymore.
2) Self reflection
It's important to make time to self reflect. It can be once a week, daily in the morning. It can be with journaling.  

Self reflection is necessary to be the best version of yourself in life. It helps your grow and evolve in life. The benefits of self reflections are;
  • better relationships
  • greater sense of self
  • stronger decision making skills
10 tips for self reflection;
  1. Questions; What did I achieve this week? What can I improve? How do I feel?
  2. Journal; Write your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Go outside; Taking a walk in nature of taking a road trip are perfect calm and healthy environments for this.
  4. Talk to yourself out loud
  5. Reading or meditating 
  6. Analyze a past experience; Some people may say leave the past in the past but you need to learn from the experience to move on first. Especially if the triggers of that experience keep coming up
  7. Write down what you grateful for
  8. Self- Check up ; reflect on each important aspect in your life and how you think it's going
  9. Set specific goals
  10. Last try counseling.

How will I be self reflecting?
By journaling and talk loud to myself. Writing down what's important in my life and evaluate how each part is going. 
  • What is my purpose in life?; Did I work on that this week or month?
  • What brings me joy and sadness? ; Did I focus more on bringing myself joy this week or month?
  • What makes me grow and keep me stagnant? ; Did I remove what kept me stagnant and did I work on what helps me grow?
  • What am I grateful of? ; Did I say or thought of this for daily?
  • What do I need to learn from and move on from? ; What triggered me this week and where did it come from?
3) Rest
This is solely for introverts and entirely for more energy. It's really simple. Turn off your phone. Get off social media. And sit with your thoughts. By meditating or talking a walk or a drive. You'll thank me later.

If you work on these three habits as an introvert I'll believe you'll have a better more energized ,joyful and calm daily routine.

Get to know more about her method!!

Let me know.


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