Compassion | Day in the life RCD


Hello RCD readers,

Let's have a recap of last week
Last week I was busy with making sure my work documents are in order. I've been trying to talk to myself consistently because it's going slow. 

How did I start my business?
My journey to finally opening an architectural design studio 
1) register as architectural drafter building department 2016
2) work experience 2013-2022
3) use blog for branding 2016
4) create a work network 2018-2022
5) expand online presence 2019
6) keep your portfolio up to date 2017
7) register as architectural design studio kkf 2022
8) create online design studio 2022
9) create a yearly potential monthly cashflow 2022
10) open a business bank account 2022
11) register for taxes 2022
12) rebrand your online presence 2022
13) create content for new business 2023
14) relaunch business and start promoting 2022 or 2023
15) stay consistent | work hard | pray hard but be thankful 2013-for life

If you want to read about this journey. Comment below and I'll might wright about it. 

Which phase am I at?
But I'm at phase 8 and 10. OMG the patience that God is testing me with. hahaha. But I'm doing my best to be positive and focus on what I have control over. So for the last couple of months this business journey consists of tuning my craft and getting my business documents in order. And not getting a lot to no income. Because my focus is not on freelance work or content creating. I had to finish freelance projects from last year and early this year by making sure that phase ended smoothly.  I still have one which I have to wait on building permit. Then I can focus on my marketing strategy for my own architectural studio. 

Lost means big change in your life
But in the meantime life happens. From breakup, to sickness, to renewing or sometimes ending friendships, to everyone in Suriname going through financial crisis. I'm learning from my mistakes with others. But most important I've learned more compassion. The compassion and strength I got from strangers and lost friends really touched my heart. Most were seasonal but I'm forever thankful for their kindness. 

Pass it forward
The kindness I got made me feel compelled to give it back. By just being open to have conversations with somebody who need a friend is enough to make somebody's day. It may stay seasonal but to show people that they are not alone in this world is something we as society really need. Pass it forward. Being kind enough to ask "how are you doing". If you see somebody needs a friend just be that for them. Everyone has their own struggles in life that they are fighting with. As society we can focus on our self growth and be compassion enough to think of others in any way possible. 

I've never been person to pop off or give the person a taste of his or her own medicine. Let's just say not in the way they have given it to me. If somebody hurts me I can't hurt them back the same way. Because I would be destroying my character.  By having compassion to not do the same back to the person you'll make a big difference in how some people will see the world. Be the kindness that you want in the world.

How can you show compassion towards other's?
  1. stop focusing on revenge when somebody has hurt you. Let go and move on with your life.  The person will meet his or her maker and you don't have to be the one who learns them that.
  2. accept people for who they are. The good, the bad and the ugly. You don't have to be best friends. But you also don't have to shun people out of your life because of that. Be strong to keep your morals and standards high but kind enough to let people be themselves. But most important don't be influenced by their bad behavior. 
  3. check up on each other. This sounds stupid but just saying "how are you?" And letting somebody open up to you can sometimes help people a lot in life. People love saying to me they don't understand my constant check ups. So I stopped for those who don't get it. But I'm not going to stop for others. People need to know that other care about them and want them to be okay &succeed in life.
  4. don't let their behavior harden your action towards them. Never let resentment or disapproval become a habit to become cold and distance. This is hard. A lot of people have tendency to not discuss their disapproval and just shut you out or just insult. Leave it be but let it not change your heart.
  5. just be kind. Their is a big difference between kind and politeness. I'm a late learner but I've learned that I'm kind but not always polite. I can be forgiving and feel for people that even done me wrong. But politeness is not my strong suite always. This comes with different rules and mannerisms that society requires you to do. For the most part I can do my best. But most of the time it's hard because I actually do nice things because I care about the stranger and feel for them. And not to be polite or what society sees as good. So it's never fake but people see this as rude. And I used to have a problem with it because society loves when you act a certain way. Just do the best that you can do in life.
Be kind to each other. 
Have compassion for your enemies. 
We need more kindness and real heart in this world. 
I rather be gullible instead heartless, manipulative and rudely fake polite.

PS. Food for thought my compassion backfired. 


  1. Dit is Romeinen 12 vers 18 en 19
    18 Probeer, voor zover het van u afhangt, met iedereen in vrede te leven. 19 Neem nooit wraak, vrienden! Laat dat aan God over, want Hij heeft gezegd: ‘Mij komt de wraak toe, Ik bepaal de straf voor alle zonden.’


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