Luxury = offline | Day in life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Last weekend was amazing. The peace you get when you turn of your phone and disconnect is when life begins.

What does offline mean for me?
I turn off my phone. I make sure every email is sent. I make sure that everyone important actually knows that I'm turning off my phone. Stay away from social media because that is also the purpose.  If you want to go overboard. Stay of the tv and laptop or computer too. Don't talk about anything that is stressing you or your current headache. Read a book. Go take a damn chill pill. Go running or walking. Go outside. I actually love this but hate driving.  Go take a drive to anywhere calming and sit with your thoughts. I'm taking up swimming and walking for now. 

* medically informed
Why is it important to take a break from social media?
1) Boosted mood with reduced stress/anxiety, depression, or feelings of loneliness. 
2) Ability to focus on tasks for increased academic or work productivity.
3) Improved self-confidence, self-worth, self-esteem and self-awareness of media usage.

When do I use this technique?
I've always used turning of the noise for work. When you turn off your phone. You can focus better on the tasks at hand. And you get more done.

What are the benefits of this?
I feel entirely energized and calmer. I feel like my mind is at peace from everyone's bullshit. I can just stop with overthinking. 

What is a normal amount of time to go offline or take a break?
30- 60minutes a day I've heard. But I find that ridiculous.  Because if that's a break for you.  You are to much on your phone. But a real break I would suggest if you want to do this daily. Turn off your phone every day after a certain time like clock work. 

I actually use my phone mostly for work. So night time is when I connect with friends that live far. Because we are busy people. So that wouldn't work for me. I'm trying not using my phone on Sunday and giving it to my nephews to play with on Saturday.  So that I'm present and can actually relax.

Personal communication vs online communication
This was a big conversation in the weekend. I'm the kind of person who communicates online more because my friends and loved ones aren't with me every day. A friend told me that communicating online was not something they liked and only do this because of me. And it made me think which somebody my age really got. At a certain age we have so many task to do during the day. So many responsibilities from work, running a household, providing for your family and taking care of yourself that saying I'll wait to talk to when I see you personal is impossible. But I'm learning everyone hasa different way of communicating so I'll respect that and stop sending online conversations only if I need something. And only talk when I see them

New change for me
Stop oversharing.
I've noticed that after a while you can become clingy or give depressing vibe. When you talk about your life when it's in a rough patch with friends and family members.  Because I've learned nobody actually cares. The follow up question never happens. You can see in their mood you are messing up their vibe. And somebody once told me that I complain to much.  Which I found funny because I'm just saying what current status is with work and that is not good for now. But people rather hear the good than the bad because it mentally messes them up. So keep it to yourself. 

Don't give anybody more when it comes to communicating than they give back
A lot of people talk when it's an inconvenience for them. It's something new to have a conversation and a person reads but not respond. That shows you that you should stop talking about certain things. You've maxed out their social ball for you. And that's okay. It doesn't mean they are a terrible friends.  It only means you need to give the person some space.

Nobody needs to know
Keeping secrets is healthy. Not everything in your life needs to be shared. Also friends and family members don't need to tell you everything that's up in their life.

Stop taking advice
People don't always know what they are doing. They have a mindset and keep that important point to move through life. But they actually don't know if it helps. It's just what they are doing. Calmly figure your shit out by yourself.  Once you get in that mindset. No inspirational or motivational or advice on social media will phase you anymore. Just do you and what you think is right in life.

Learning to be alone
This looks depressing but it isn't.  We came into this world alone and going out of this world alone too. Only person that is constant with love is God. The moment you stop erasing the quietness with conversations consistently with friends because you think that's the way to go than you can get lost in those relationships. But if you can focus on your thoughts when you are alone the magic happens. The real and true happiness will begin.

Stop watching or listening to things that are going on in your life
Everyone likes a motivational speech. Everyone has a pet peeve show they watch. Everyone has that funny tik tok person they keep watching. This only helps you procrastinating and not focus on what you need to do. And the end of the day you'll feel drained. You'll also feel like you haven't accomplished anything during the day. 

See them as they are and not what you think they are.
You have a perception of a person. If they are kind you'll think you'll be the best of friends. If they are wise you'll think they will give the best advice. If they are older you'll think they'll will either be more protective or braver or more selfless than you. But nope we are humans. All flawed. So be kind and never give any friend or family member to much credit. See them as they are not whaf you want them to be.

Have an amazing Thursday 
Comment below if you'll try getting offline more
Remember if a person can go a day without talking to you stop making an effort in the relationship.  This can be friends or family members. The effort has to be from both sides.


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