Game is rigged | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Back To Work

First blog post for October. After a hiatus again I thought the best thing was to start with an content calendar. This month is a huge transition month for me. I’m ending my freelance work and focusing on building a business from my blog website. And as I’ve noticed over the years a lot of people still didn’t understand what RC Designs social media pages were. They entailed a lot of freelance work from different building and design companies. I don’t mind the confusion because my followers were still build naturally and the name RCD is known. I’ve seen a lot start their own company because of this and I wish them the best of luck. Some see each other as competitors but I don’t.  

I deliver something entirely different because I’m me and they are them.  
Stop working against each other and start working with each other.

My goals for these three months of 2022

1.     Health should be number one priority
2.     Architectural business  (RCD Online visibility and flexibility)
3.     Make the right content & Create a marketing strategy 
4.     Re-learn the NEW building rules & regulations from Suriname 

What can you expect for RCD blog?
1.      Three articles on our YouTube channel;
a.    In October “Girl’s room end results”
b.    In November “Boys room design”
c.    And last in December hopefully “ building permit changes in Suriname”
2.      Hopefully Five Back In Time projects on our YouTube channel;
a.    Multi family residence design (family client)
b.    Two single family residence design (for young married couples)
c.    Three clips of office , two apartments and one extension of a single family house design (from a freelance employer)

Why the reference the game is rigged?
The ordering and changes of construction laws and regulations is a big fallout for some. The government has pushed us to become a group with force. And with all our differences and backgrounds we've divided as a group in the end. As humans we have different ways of thinking and handling situations. To respect each other differences and intentions is hard as hell. I have to say I've been quiet during this whole dilemma for more reason to name. And my opinion I've kept for myself. My focus is on whole other things. But the game feels rigged and we as a structure are broken. 

We have flaws in the system. There is an imaginary structuring happening in our country. And I may be just negative Billy but I do believe we are being played and our opinions will not hold. So focusing on what will is the best way.

What will I focus on when the game is rigged?
Make my own fucking game. I refuse to give a damn because a piece of paper will never mean that anybody will respect me as an Architect. And I've let that go. Embracing something that fits me is what I'm searching for. And guess what? I will find that because my passion is leading me. 

You are enough!
You are worth it!
You deserve better!
You deserve respect!
You got this SHIT!!
Make it happen!!!

Comment below how you are dealing the changes in this country.


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