Ikigai | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Ikigai is the intersection between what you love, what your good at, what the world needs and what you can be paid for. It's the bliss , purpose and intention.

Is something I've Iearned yesterday. 

Personal growth
These last couple of months I've deepened my friendships.  They keep me on my toes and learning me valuable lessons. Now the importance of selflove and self care is main goal for this year. Somebody said something really important "Focus on you. What you want in life. What you love in life. Find yourself before thinking about adding anything in the equation." And that hit home. Grateful for the advice.

What in my life brings me bliss, purpose and intention?
  • meeting new people
  • taking care of my family
  • creating better bonds with current friends
  • selfcare by doing my best to let go and keep my mental state in check.
  • self love by bringing myself joy with making time for my hobby's
  • Creating and maintaining healthy relationships that bring me joy and peace.
  • Using my talents to help other's 
  • Not being afraid or feels used when helping others or being kind towards others
Now life isn't perfect. But creating that mindset that you'll be fine, it's no big deal and not to worry so much. That is also something that a friend is helping me learn. You can do it by yourself. You can overcome anything. You can let that negative roll of your shoulder. Is something that I'm working on. I have to focus on what I find important in my life and anybody who wants to be apart of that just adds extra joy and peace.

How can you create your own Ikigai?
1) your circle of friends or family that you hang with
Choose your group wisely. They are a reflection of yourself. They should add peace and joy in your life. Not bring you behind with their no hustle and grind mentality. They should match your energy. They shouldn't break anything brings you joy.  The people you keep will either level you up or bring you down. So choose wisely.

2) learn who you are. 
This is the biggest journey everyone is going through.  Because we as humans are forever learning and forever evolving. That means who we are today may not be who are in a year or two. When you make time to just be with yourself. Learn who you are ,what you want, what makes you happy and most important what keeps your mental state in check.

3) your income 
Any chosen profession is good to be in love with and give you purpose and get well paid for. But the key is to create a career from a talent in which you have both. Being well paid for what you love. Loved career, getting purpose from it and getting paid for that.

4) taking care
Take care of your physical, spiritual and mental side. For me is being by myself sometimes and sometimes it's just doing anything that brings me joy in life. With this I also mean keeping your relationships healthy as possible. 

5) purpose
Anything you do must give you purpose.  It gains peace and happiness to your soul. By using your talent for other's. Action with purpose in the end is the most important for your own happiness. 

6) present 
Being content with where you are in your life. Letting go of what was. Not overly thinking about the future.  And last forgiving and letting go of anything that brings negativity in your life. Focus on the present what's possible in front of you. Not what happened or what needs to happen next year. Just focus on the task at hand and how to achieve it.

7) forgiveness 
This is hard but forgiving people for letting you down. Forgiving people for treating you bad. Forgiving people for judging you. Forgiving people for underestimating you. Forgiving people for not being truthful towards you. Forgiving people for being jelouse. Forgiving people for hurting and scaring you. Forgiving people for unkind words. Forgiving people for not being able to be the person you need or expect them to be. Forgiving people for manipulation to get what they want.But most important forgiving yourself for all above towards other's.  Because we are all flawed human beings. This is the best way to truly move on.

8) truth
Being honest with yourself and others. Only accepting honesty from other and truly being okey with that. This is the best "I don't give a fuck" mentality you can give yourself. And best way to live for yourself. Accepting people's truth.

9) acceptance 
Accepting people's choices in life is important. We have free will in choosing who we surround ourselves with, choosing who want society to think we are, choosing what we accept from others and last choosing what our life and purpose should be. Be okey with that it's their free will too. But also be okay with what isn't for you that you should let go. Everything needs to align with your values and life choices. Meaning accept what people choose but also accept what you are willing not to choose for yourself 

10) joy
Last and most important make time for your happiness 

Thanks for reading
Share below your bliss, your purpose and your intention in life. And if you don't have one of them yet. Don't be discouraged.  It just takes time

Have a blessed Sunday 


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