Our choices | Day in the life RCD
Hello RCD readers,
I made an assumption that was never meant to be I think. I made a decision to feel like things would work out as I thought but the rug was pulled right under me. But life goes on. It's all about our choices.
Being judgmental
I've seen my share of women accepting nonsense of men because the image that will be taken away if they break up. I've seen men treat women like shit because that one girl that broke up with them. I've seen ladies be so proud that they are marrying their first boyfriend when he treats them like a bag he owns. I've seen people get with the first person after being single just because they are incapable of being by themselves. I've seen people neglect their current relationship for time with outsiders but complain that the couple spent no time together. I've seen people accept shit from other's and expect their partner's do the same. I've seen people destroy their blessing and keep negative people in their lives. I've seen people see the flaws and stay after red flags just because they know they love the person. All these situations I've noticed in life made be judgmental. And I've repented for each one of them.
Being less or not judgmental
To watch and not place judgement is something I need to learn. For my own sanity and my own clear conscious.
Most important not monkey not my circus not my problem.
I need to keep my mouth shut and let people make their life choices. If it goes wrong not problem to fix or place judgement on. And definitely not my problem to give advice. Respecting people's choices is something I have to master.
Life is about our choices
We attract what we think we deserve. So I challenge you. Every choice, every response, every insult you accept, every insult you stand up for, everything that you entertain in life will have affect on your lifestyle and future. So make the right choices for yourself stick by them and don't entertain negative people.
Embracing positive people
I've seen that choosing to focus on rebuilding with people who give the same energy is important. They get your dips. They get your flaws. They get your fights and your withdraw. And you go through this part of the journey together but separate. And most important they actually get your worth in life.
My choices
I'm choosing not to comment on offers anymore when it's certain they see me as scum on their boots and want me to do the bare minimum that they wouldn't want to bothered by. I'm choosing who I talk to about personal stuff ( learned that the hard way ) . I'm choosing to stop listening to people that don't actually support me, actually don't listen to my advice and who put other's friendship above ours. I'm choosing not give up the dream but stop sharing it to world. I'm choosing to be their for myself. I'm choosing to do what's right for me even if other's don't get it or respect it. I'm choosing to accept people for who they are even if that means excluding negative or jelouse people out of my life. I'm choosing to stop worrying about loved ones choices. I'm choosing to keep pushing forward. I'm choosing my mother's health. I'm choosing my mental health. I'm choosing to create my new happiness. I'm choosing to accept new people who accept my worth. I'm choosing to respect other's decisions and let go.
You have the right to choose what you want.
You have the right to follow your own road.
You have the right to say no.
You have the right to stand up for yourself.
You have the right to not fight back anymore.
You have the right to accept the bad situations.
You have the right to mess up a blessing.
You have the right to choose you.
You have the right to do whatever you want.
Because God gave us the most important thing in the world. A choice. How we react and what we accept from other's is all our choices. But with that we have to embrace everything that comes with our choices. The consequences of our choices is our responsibility to fix that is growing up and being an adult.
Your life your choice. Good or bad.
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