Successful or Significant | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers,

Today is the last day of the week and I've learned something really important that I would love to share.

What is success?
  • Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals.
  • Furthermore, success can be a certain social status that describes a prosperous person that could also have gained fame for its favorable outcome. 
  • The dictionary describes success as the following: “attaining wealth, prosperity and/or fame”.
Attaining wealth 
How do you acquire wealth? 5 key steps to building wealth
  • Automate your savings. Life is busy
  • Revisit your savings once a year
  • Hike your savings rate
  • Avoid high fees
  • Stick with the market
Attaining prosperity
Having the time and financial freedom to enjoy life at your own leisure
  • Being in the flow, having what you need at the time you need it. 
  • The ability to achieve personal growth and financial security without sacrificing family and health. 
  • Not living paycheck to paycheck
Being Famous
Sometimes people strive for this. Being seen as the image they've created for the world and being know by that image is important for some people.
Difference in success for each person
My definition for my success is being happy with what you do. Being financially stable in the life I have envisioned.
Successful or Significant
Now a couple of days ago I watched a clip about what being successful in life and my mind is in conflict.
He talks about the cost of success we endure in life. A successful photographer made a picture of a girl starving. Walking to the food bank and being so malnourished that she couldn't find herself to walk to the food bank. She just laid their vultures waiting to eat her. He didn't help because people had told him not to touch anybody because they can make you sick. So he took the pictures and got an award for that picture. He killed himself because of this moment it was told in this clip.

This makes you think. For obtaining or striving for our success what have we sacrificed. Most of the time we sacrifice our humanity sometimes or ability to think of others who are less fortunate. It makes you think. When was the last time you thought of being a good human instead of making the next buck. We are so determent to create a certain life thinking this will give us happiness and peace of mind. But the happiness only comes when we are significant for others. We serve a higher purpose instead of just our own ego and selfish gain.

Now coming to this not actually realization but makes you take a good look into your life. Do your actions have a purpose. Do you serve others in life. In what capacity are you making this world a better place.

What have I done to be significant?
I've learned from God to use my talents for good. I do this for people who ask. But I'm too shy to come up and give my talents for others in need without being asked. So my questions for myself this year will how can I serve more with my talents. 

Being significant for my family
It made me think what I live for in life. A really small price I pay is making sure my family is okay and the joy it gives me. The question is is this enough and should I do more.

Before you start second guessing your kindness and good deeds in the world. Make sure to ask yourself these questions;

  • What is your definition for success?
  • What is more important to you as a person?
  • What would you like to do more to make the world a better place?
  • Can you be okey with yourself with the amount of the kindness and love you spread?
Thank you for reading.  Be the best version of yourself and also be kind to yourself. 


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