Goodbye 2021 |Day in the life RCD

 Today I would love to write about the ups and downs of 2021. Saying goodbye to 2021 needs a serious year recap. Try to follow my journey back.

Hello RCD readers,

January | Hope of a better year

The year 2021 started promising but with a hint of  " we are in the same 2020 s*#@ " . That's why the first month of 2021 I was one of those people who made goals and visions-boards in such false hope.

February | Light in the 2021 Covid tunnel

February  seemed like nothing would change so I optimistically planned my valentine date covid restriction style. We both decided to cook together.  Be more positive in this pandemic.

Mid-month February is when I got a freelance referral (project Kross) and a freelance project (project container studio) from Jozas Real Estate ,a company that I sometimes  collaborate work with and/ or get freelance project's from.  I was optimistically hyped.  Also because I started giving ballet classes again, but some of classes were taken from me.

*side note: Freelance referral became more freelance work in the end of the year.keep reading 
**2nd side note: the col-lab project was fun because gave me inspiration for a new article and got to work with an old friend(plus amazing supporter).

March | Finding love in the chaos

I planned two site visits with my partner for my new freelance projects. My brother gave me a referral for a sweet couple building their forever home.

I also heard from another freelance employer for a simple extension work drawings design. This project went enormously wrong. From not the same level of communicating -to- falsely facts of misinterpretation consults -to- dropping my price

*side note: If you want to know more about this project and what I learned not to do. COMMENT BELOW.

Two older project's from 2019 (after covid hit) finally were able to move forward for building permit request.


From April to June; all my important places that I needed to do my work were closed. This includes my two project's in need of building permit were sitting ducks because the high rising Covid positive numbers.

June| After a failed attempt you can get second chance

One of my freelance employer's needed a drafter again. I thought a very simple project. Because he already had a design in AutoCAD and I just had finish the drawing this year 2022. Little did I know project LB would still be going strong..haha..

July | Coming out of Covid Hibernation 

Two project's from 2019 were finally being build.  One was extra important because it's for my big brother. 

August | celebration of five years

This month I celebrated my 5 years RC Designs with actually nothing but a post. But still proud!!

- The promising freelance project LB went further so I was able to see the site with my partner finally. 
- And I finally got the building permits for the project's from March. 
- I got the referral from a plot a couple of blocks further from my brother because he liked the house that my brother is building.

The updates of project's that I haven't shared were lost in Facebook new business page design.But I will think of a way to re-post what was lost.

Starting with classical ballet again. After the lock down the school was closed till August. And because less children came back after 2021 lock down every teacher assistant stopped until further due.

September | first no vacation month

September is the month that I give myself a rest. But because the almost Four months No incoming I had to be smart.

So I said yes !!

- project  Nieuw Amsterdam; a simple layout but a huge site. I asked my partner for the help. We made a great team. We measured a lot of buildings in I think three whole days.  
- project nail salon; a simple start up nail salon that needed simple work drawings. This kinda ended with less work because she decided to say no to the designs I made and just used the layout of two rooms. 

October | Do good work & you'll always have work

I was approached by a referral freelance employer from beginning of 2021. She came with a proposal.  Freelance work for the company and she get a fee. I thought be open to try.  These freelance project's are now sent for building permits. I will be keeping you up to date.


With a hectic schedule I still made time  follow an online summit .  It was as always very informative. 

November & December | No posting just working

This month was hectic with juggling freelance project's and of course content creating. It was almost impossible to create content.  So I decided to take an earlier break for making articles on YouTube. Also because the algorithm is messing with my flow. And I refuse to promote unnecessary.  Because this is not me promoting for more work. RC Designs is a personal blog where the purpose is to learn people more about my work field, to also keep myself from learning new things and last sharing my journey by being transparent. 

Goodbye 2021 | You were a lesson that needed to be learn "Never give up and be consistent "

See you next week for a recap of this week


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