Project Update| Tuesday May 11th 2021

Hello RC Designs readers and watchers,
Today I'm busy writing my newest article for this month's article concept. The projects that are currently important are:
  • Three ongoing project's that need building permits.
  • Office design RCD
  • House design R&R 
  • Launch of newest website
Ongoing projects
The three ongoing project's give me anxiety because I'm finished but can't begin the building permit process and that is so annoying. One project the client is form 2019 before COVID hit. And finally possible to give me the papers I need to get him his building permit and now the government close their doors.

Office Designs RCD
RCD needs an office design for the future and what that will become is still a mystery. But I've decided to just dream and keep moving forward.

House design R&R
The house design is an overdo concept and last year finally got closer. So this year follows the next step and waiting on people for their blessing towards your dreams is never going to happen. 

Launch of newest website
Because of COVID and the economy the starting a business is going terrible. Everything feels like a still stand. But to keep moving forward is the only way for success even it feels like you're not moving. Vlinder Survey and RC Designs are working together to built this online architectural studio. And my concept is changing consistently. The deadline keeps on being moved that I'm kinda done with this but ..

So with the lock downs behind us, the economy making living a middle class life hard and the COVID numbers having stable highness. All I can say take care of your mental health, physical health and try to not be so hard on yourself.


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