Self care | Friday 22nd January 2021

Goodmorning readers,

Hope everyone had an amazing week. Because this week actually felt like my first week for 2021. I've been slowly energized and slowly coming into my own again. Feeling like me or let say a new version of me.. Or back to the old me.. Not sure which one..

Let's have a recap of this week.

My week began with finishing three DIY Christmas presents. For my siblings and my mother I made a creative monthly calender for them.  It was fun and they love it. And I finally did my finances.. Hahah that was a joke. Doing my finances feels like pulling a tooth. Feels so unnatural. Even though I don't have to check if I made any money last year,because who actually did. 

Saying goodbey to 2020 by cleaning my office space. Removing old projects that are done, that have been cancelled or even that are on hold for better days. This felt really cleansing. It felt like letting go of what was and looking forward to what can be.

I began this day with selfcare. Also the word for this week
📌early wake up call
📌making mint tea
📌30min for myself while I strech,meditate, visualize
📌give myself a 10min pampering session 

Working on the keypoints for newest article. Waking up early is a way to be consistent with taking care of health, soul and overall recharging my body for the day. This gave me positive energy and a boost to stay calm.

Tip from this week: self care is important
Your day may not change but your perception will. Taking care of yourself is a must and it's something this pandemic really thought me.

Be kind to yourself everyone. Have a great weekend. 


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