December 1st 2020

First day of December!!

In 2017 I started posting daily blog post of the month December. And this year I'm passing the tradition again. Today I woke up really tired and not as early as I hoped. 

As you may have noticed November was not a very busy posting content month as all other years. I was busy the first three weeks with archimentors summet. This was an amazing but hectic. I've decided to keep myself busy with stepping in to teach ballet on days that I don't teach. This because a fellow colleague was overtired. And I choose to keep pushing with following this online summit dispite being very time consuming. I wanted to learn something new.

What did I learn from archimentors summit?
- making a better portfolio
- making a better bio
- basic sketching

I also was hyped to finish some business goals because 2020 was bad for businesses to make money. Great for readjusting but terrible for finishing projects and making profit.

2021 is an important year for RC Designs and myself included. Stay tuned and keep supporting our page and blog. 


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