Tip 2: “November addition” | Involving Building Factors for client

 Our Monday "Tip of the week"


This month we'll talk about "Who or What is involved during the building stage"?. 

Tip 2: Function of the people involved in the “building process”


Recap Tip 1: Who is involved during the "building process"?



1. What are the functions of everyone involved with “building process”?

Prep work

Functions of RC Designs architectural engineer:

  • apply for a building permit
  • material budget & planning
  • specification report (building contracts for contractors)
  • Intermediary for collaboration with consultants, constructors and possible contractors


Functions of OW&V:

  • request an overflow permit
  • request a building permit
  • request permits for hardening the roadside
  • request a parcel license


Functions of extern parties SWM|EBS|accountant :

  • Accountant; for building finances
  • SWM; Construction crane 
  • EBS ; Construction electricity



Functions of contractor:

  • building executor
  • estimated rough material budget & planning
  • exact budget for labor
  • standard technical drawings from older projects for usages of your house

 Functions of EBS:

  • find recognized gas installers
  • inspection of gas installation
  • delivery gas cylinder
  • find recognized electricity installers
  • inspection of electricity installation
  • delivery electricity

Functions of SWM:

  • request for connection to the water network of SWM
  • inspection of water installation

Functions of Telesur:

  • internet services
  • standard telephone connection

Functions of RC Designs building manager:

  • Work drawings for better specifications of certain details
  • Offer services as building manager (contractor inspector during construction)
  • Intermediary for collaboration with consultants, constructors and possible contractors


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